The Real Axis of Evil
Bush, in his mindless way, dubbed Iraq, Iran and North Korea, the axis of evil, which is a hackneyed phrase as all of his ideas are. The American Heritage Dictionary defines evil as “that which is destructive, corruptive, or fallible whether from natural circumstances, or by human ignorance, error, or design.” The word evil has religious connotations and is not usually used in secular areas such as politics. Since Bush has trouble pronouncing basic words, this subtlety is beyond his purview, and he purports to be a born-again religious person, no longer an alcoholic or drug user, so he uses words like evil. The real axis of evil, the “human ignorance” part, is within the Bush administration. It is made up of Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and the replaced John Ashcroft.
Bush is a Robin Hood in reverse. He takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich through tax cuts. He gave over 700 billion dollars to his political supporters through this method. He has already given them 1.7 trillion dollars of taxpayer money with his last tax cut. His generosity to his rich friend does not stop there however. Bushites are a cliquey group and love to take care of their own while punishing those who don’t fall in line such as, say, France, Russia and Germany. He used taxpayer money to force a war against Iraq, which no one in the world except America’s bootlick England really wanted. Countries such as Spain, Bulgaria, Albania and others supported Bush, knowing he was vindictive and would throw them a bone for their support which he is currently doing. Not only did he spend about three hundred billion tax dollars destroying one of the weakest regimes on earth and killing over 600,000 Iraqi men, women and children, which is hard to label any other way except to call it mass murder, but he then, without competitive bidding, gave the contracts to rebuild the country he destroyed with US taxpayers money to his friends in Bechtel, Schlumberger Ltd., KRW, a subsidiary of Halliburton and other chief political donors. Wasn’t Dick Cheney, the stealth VP of the US, who cannot stand up to the light of day, the same man that almost destroyed Halliburton when he was CEO with his asbestos contracts, yet was still able to rip-off millions in a severance package and is still on the payroll while “serving the people.”
By any definition what Bush did and is doing ought to be termed evil. Yet he continually cheerleads for more taxpayer money for his friends. Cheerleading is the only skill he was trained for in school, and one must admit he does it well to get so many Americans to naively follow him as he makes his regime the most hated on earth, and the most hated regime in our country’s history, and we Americans the most hated people on earth. One must hand it to Karl Rove, Bush’s Brain, to be able to shove Bush down the throats of the people. He has to be a good ole boy. He should be the Republican Man of the Century … what a distinction!
Then Bush drags out of oblivion a dinosaur from his Papa’s era with all the hate and meanness of an SS officer forced to leave Argentina to return to Post-War Germany and makes him the Attorney General of the United States of America, the head cop in the country. John Ashcroft lost his senatorial election to a dead man and that has really made him mad so he took it out on the American people by implementing the Homeland Security Act, the infamous USA Patriot Act (which you can download from and the incredible Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003, all designed to strip the American people of their civil liberties under the guise of protecting them from the people that Dubya’s policies have rightfully made to despise his regime and by association the American people. It is not difficult to imagine the tight-jawed, mean- faced John Ashcroft wearing the uniform of the SS, with the skull and crossbones on his collar. That uniform is the most appropriate garb for a creature of his evil nature. Because he sometimes treats us like the enemy, it is easy to believe he is truly depraved. He was so hated Bush had to get rid of him … reluctantly.
Remember Julius Caesar’s warning;
“ And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”
Ashcroft had done his job.
These are very frightening words which are proving prophetic. Bush wraps himself in the red, white and blue so he can reward his friends with taxpayer money and tax breaks. If one doesn’t support Bush, one is not supporting the troops and are therefore is an evil un-American.
Completing the axis of evil is Donald Rumsfeld, the control freak who ruthlessly directed the slaughter of defenseless Iraqis using the greatest military might the world has ever known, smiling all the while, and then Bush-like swaggered and smirked, as only an old, impotent men can do, and called the massacre a great victory. His war was very similar to the wars the US carried out against the helpless American Indian – the wars were called wars, but they were really massacres, which is what the Iraq war is in truth.
He did not need a plan to destroy Iraq because of our unparalleled military might, and he did not have a plan. He did not have a plan to rebuild either Afghanistan or Iraq and that is why they are dangerous places with rampant anarchy and lawlessness, unfit for human habitation. He also lacks an exit strategy. Even though one of the several reasons of the week Bush gave for invading these countries was to “free the people”, when finding weapons of mass destruction did not fly, and still does not fly because none have been found nor will be found because there were none, they are less likely to have a future with the Bushites directing rebuilding because their primary concern is how they can corral the oil monies not with giving these people the right of self-determination or “democratic freedoms”. When people say that which is not true they are called liars; when they kill hundreds of thousands of people they are called mass murderers; when they steal elections and money from the US Treasury, they are called thieves.
So then, the real axis of evil as defined by their actions is Bush, the cheerleader who robs the poor and gives to the rich, all the time using taxpayers’ money as his own box of chocolates, while wrapping himself in the flag and peddling untruths to the American people.
Then, there was John Ashcroft, the regime member in charge of repealing civil liberties while reforming torts out of existence so corporate America can further exploit the taxpayer.
And finally there is Good Ole Donald Rumsfeld, the smiling killer of dark-skinned people for the purpose of providing them with “democratic” freedoms.
These three combined to threaten the very foundations of American democracy while professing to bring democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq. These three have combined to made their regime hated by the world, and the American people the most hated society on earth. They feel that the American public is so benighted that they can act with impunity. The American public knows exactly what they are doing and will ultimately hold them accountable for their behavior. They cannot fool all the people all the time. Americans have the insight to discern truth from falsehood. These are three very likeable fellows if one does not have a mind, a conscience or a hope for the future of mankind. Now that Ashcroft is alas no longer with us, Karl Rove can be elevated to the third spot in the real Axis of Evil.
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