Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fear and Reason Talk About Congressman John T. Doolittle

Voice of Reason: These are the times that try men’s souls.
Voice of Fear: Oh my God! These are the words of Revolution…I’ve heard them before…just the word Revolution frightens me.
Voice of Reason: Nothing good ever gets done without a Revolution—the American Revolution, the French, the Reagan—oops—I’m only kidding there. Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Voice of Fear: What kind of Revolution are you talking about now?
Reason: A Revolution right here in the Fourth Congressional District…we need a Revolution to get rid of John and his Political Machine.
Fear: Oh…John who and what machine?
Reason: John Doolittle and his Political Machine that is currently strangling the Fourth Congressional District. His lieutenants on the Board of Supervisors and on local school boards, epecially the long suffering Sierra College, and the Placer County Water Agency extend his suffocating influence and suppression of the people.
Fear: I’m afraid of your talk. But I’ll listen if you explain.
Reason: John Doolittle’s has taken the sacred political trust of this office of Congressman for the Fourth Congressional District (CD) and perverted it into serving the interests of those moneyed developer supporters who want high density housing (Bickford Ranch et. al.)built. John T. Demagogue, as he’s locally known (see Joe Carroll’s “The Auburn Augur” in the Sentinel), lives for one reason –to get housing developments approved …the needs of everyone else in the Fourth CD have been ignored in favor of his raison d’etre He lives for one idea— and that idea has nothing to do with the well being of the citizens of US Fourth Congressional District.
Fear: You mean JTD doesn’t serve the people who voted for him?
Reason: I mean exactly that JTD is using the public trust to get Auburn Dam built for his developer friends. You heard his war cry, “Build it __Dam it.”
Fear: Why do you call him a demagogue?
Reason: The Webster School Dictionary defines demagogue “as a person who appeals to the emotions and prejudices of people in order to arouse discontent and advance personal political ends.” JTD is the perfect demagogue, who votes for Nothing related to the public welfare for the sake of getting the AD built; therefore, John Doolittle is a demagogue.
Fear: I thought you were just calling him a name, but I see he really is a demagogue.
Reason: JTD refused to attend President Clinton’s State of the Union address to Congress by affecting his usual holier-than-thou state and feigning moral outrage, sulking at his Virginia Estate. This JTD affecting moral outrage is the same JTD who received the largest fine ever levied at the time (1985) by the California Fair Political Practices Commission for successfully rigging his own election against fellow Republican Ray Johnson.
Fear: His behavior sounds reprehensible! Explain, please.
Reason: JTD unethically and illegally supported a Democrat, Jack Hornsby, to run against Ray Johnson, a Republican, who was popular with both Republicans and Democrats.
Fear: Why would JTD do that?
Reason: Because he wanted the Democrats to skim off votes that would otherwise have gone to Ray Johnson. JTD provided mailers and staff support to knife a fellow Republican for his own personal gains.
Fear: Did JTD’s ploy work?
Reason: You bet it did. He and a number of his henchmen received fines from the FPPC, but the treachery paid off…JTD was dishonestly elected…and we suffer with him today. This is the man who called President Clinton a “liar and an abuser of power” in an article in The Sacto Bee, “Doolittle Aims for the Spotlight,” March 4, 1999. This act is hypocrisy, plain and simple. JTD’s hypocrisy is boundless. Yet he supports President Bush whose lies have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, and the profligate use of taxpayer monies for personal goals.

He overtly supports Tom Delay by donating money to his defense fund, and attending a dinner in June of this year to raise additional funds for Delay. He openly accept money from Gaming Tribes used to host fundraisers in luxury boxes at sporting event, while saying he is opposed to gambling. He recently voted to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in support of NPR/PBS even though the House killed the cut by an overwhelming majority, which included 87 Republicans.

Doolittle clearly does not represent his constituents, just the developer/corporate interests who fill him campaign war chest.
JTD will be around until honest Republicans and Democrats say enough is enough, that we want our government representative to represent us and decide to throw this developer stooge and his lackeys out.

Are we, the people of the US Fourth Congressional District, destined to perish because of JTD’s monomania? I think not. These are once again the times that try men’s souls. Try getting your “tried soul” into the fight to return government to the people. Let’s start by sending JTD to the bottom of the deep dark political sea to join his fellow monomaniac, Captain Ahab.
Fear: Ahab really scares me.
Reason: Ahab and his ilk are scary people. But allowing JTD to continue as our congressman is scarier still.
Fear: You’re right...but your words still scare me.
Reason: Election without representation is what we have with JTD. He is the King George III of our Congressional District. He is interested in one issue, a self-serving issue—turning our homes over to the developers now that he has failed temporarily to build the AD. He doesn’t represent Republicans, he doesn’t represent Democrats; or the Old, or the Abused, or the Young. He only represents himself and his rich friends.

If democracy is to work, it needs an informed, active electorate.

The original colonists of our Republic rebelled against King George III. We need a rebellion against John Doolittle and his self-serving Machine and our current King George in the White House in order to return government to the people.

We are to blame for the existence of JTD. We don’t cry out in our agony—we suffer silently—we must act: visit Call the Placer County Democratic Central Committee (PCDCC) at 1-866-895-1336 and get involved in Dumping Doolittle and His Cohorts. We believe that JTD is unbeatable so we sit on our hands. He is only unbeatable if we say he is unbeatable. People living in oppressed conditions in Mobile Home Parks and anyone who believes his voice is not being heard—start writing letters to the editors of local newspapers detailing the oppressive conditions in your MHP. What has JTD done to make your life better? Call JTD(1-202-225-2511) and ask him what he is doing to help make your life better. Ask JTD if he can take time from the monomaniacal pursuit of giving our county to the developers to help his constituents with their real life problems.
Fear: I think JTD is more like Captain Ahab than King George III, but I’m not sure.
Reason: Ok. Let’s return to the Ahab. Remember that the entire crew of Ahab’s ship the Pequod was lost because Ahab was fixated on Moby Dick. Ahab’s words certainly describe Doolittle’s monomaniacal focus on his developer friends to the exclusion of helping all his constituents.
Fear: What words?
Reason: Captain Ahab’s words were, “The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails whereon my soul is grooved to run.” JTD is on the same “iron rails” to his fixed purpose. He will never be swerved from his goal; monomaniacs do not swerve. Remember that the entire crew of the Pequod (except Ishmael, the storyteller) died because of Ahab’s obsession.
Fear: I’m scared.
Reason: So should we all be.
Fear: Again, what can I do to get rid of JTD?
Reason: Write letters to JTD and urge him to represent you, to make your life better, and if he doesn’t, then vote for Charlie Brown. His website is and his phone number is (916)-78-brown. Write letters to the editor of your local paper denouncing Do-Nothing Doolittle. Perhaps Charlie Brown will be his replacement.
Fear: But what can I really do?
Reason: Now that JTD has declared for all the world to hear in his speech to Oregonians in Action “the nature of the left is based on the Communist Manifesto, and frankly the essence of Communism is the abolition of private property rights,” his looniness has been displayed for all the world to see. JTD’s new clothes show that he is indeed naked of any shred of balanced reasonableness or ethics.
So, let’s create and contribute money to the JTD Mental Health Fund so the people can get him the help he so desperately needs, a quiet life in the leafy confines of his faux-home in Rocklin, where he can be watched over with loving kindness by his family and his Church of the Latter Day Saints, which he has brought great shame to, where he can do no further harm to the people of the Fourth Congressional District. Each effort will help to relieve JTD of the responsibility of misrepresenting his people. These responsibilities are obviously now beyond his mental and moral capabilities.
Immediately, start supporting Democrat Charlie Brown in every way possible to defeat Doolittle, to dump Doolittle into the Old Home for Corrupt Politicians along with Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham and Robert Ney, fellow recipients of the tainted moneys of convicted felon Jack Abramoff.


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