Rob Haswell Is Best Choice for California Fourth Assembly District
Fourth Assembly Candidate Rob Haswell is the model human being and candidate, honest, intelligent and dedicated, the fifth generation of a Placer County family. He believes in People before Politics. He is the father of two children, a boy three and a girl five, married to a lovely, supportive wife, and lives in Auburn. Rob frequently sites Paul Wellstone words, "If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't really stand for them." He wants to serve the people, to improve our political climate so that the people, not just big business, outside developers, and self-aggrandizer, have a voice in decision making.
He could not live here without attempting to improve our political environment. “I am running because I don’t want my children to ask me when they are adults, ‘Why didn’t you do something for us, Dad, when your had the chance?’” He admires Senator Paul Wellstone words, “Politics isn't about big money or power games; it's about the improvement of people's lives.” Rob truly believes that elected officials can better people’s lives. He has attracted a large people-power group of volunteers who know Rob is the best man to represent us in the California Assembly. Go to website www.robhaswellforassembly to participate in his campaign for a better California.
Finally, another reason Rob is running can be summed up with another Wellstone saying, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Please join the crusade to return integrity and honesty to the people by electing Rob Haswell to the Fourth Assembly District. Help him help us all live the best life we can live. He is the superior candidate.
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