Do Something You Can Be Proud of by Contributing to One Great Thing: Dump Doolittle
Bush has straight-armed Congress and disenfranchised half our elected representatives; the people, however, have an opportunity to render him a virtual castrato by voting Democrats into majorities in both houses of Congress. Never before, with the possible exception of John Adams’ administration and the Aliens and Sedition Act of 1800, have the American people felt so helpless, so shut out of their own government, so violently angry at their government, made to feel so irrelevant, as they now feel under Bush’s fascist neocon Regime, which, in the pursuit of world domination, has made us the most hated nation on earth.
De Tocqueville may have said that the US was so loved because we were good. The US is no longer good, nor is it perceived by the world as good, but voters can do something about making the country good again. De Tocqueville also said that much of this goodness could be attributed “to the superiority of their women.” Women can display their superiority by helping return the US to that goodness by doing their part in this election. His words bring to mind the t-shirt truism, “When women vote, Democrats win.”
Everything that Bush has done has compromised our nation, our people and the world. Any thinking person can shout ten failures of the administration without too much thought. That is the gloom of our present dilemma.
The euphoria is that we have the opportunity to dump Doolittle and dump his darling-of-the-developers lackey Ted Gaines (California Fourth Assembly District) with our vote November 7. This action may seem small, but it is something tangible we can do to make the world a better place. Tim Leslie, another lieutenant, has been term limited out of office opening up the Fourth Assembly District. There is no incumbent so defeating Gaines is a good possibility. Just the thought of ridding our area of Doolittle and one of his chief lieutenants is cause for joy of the highest caliber, for ecstasy, for sublimity, for rapture.
Each of us must talk to our friends, especially our Republican friends, many of whom are already disenchanted with the Demagogue and his minions and give them (one, two, three or more of them) reasons for voting for anyone but Doolittle.
An added spice to accomplishing a great thing is knowing that one has done something of value, something tangible, to contribute to that great thing. Do something you can be proud of for doing this great thing, and the great thing will become a reality.
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