World's Greatest Terrorist
Seventy- two percent of Americans believe George Bush is the world’s greatest terrorist, his policies being directly responsibility for the deaths of 2,800 Americans, 701, 000 Iraqis and Afghans killed and 1,346,000 seriously injured. The Lie is Bush administration policy. He and the Republican Party continue to terrorize Americans by using fear to retain power. Bush has been a disaster in every facet of his presidency, and the Republican Party has always used fear as its weapon to manipulate the American people, its current bogey man being Osama. It is unbelievable that Bush has not captured Osama. Could it be that as long as Osama is not captured, the Great Bogeyman is free to be used to terrorize the American people?
Currently, RNC is terrifying citizens with Osama ads, saying he wants to kill Americans. Bush has been the single greatest recruiter of anti-US terrorists. Under Saddam, Iraq had no terrorists. Now, under Bush, Iraq is the world center of terrorism because of the hate Bush has generated in the Muslim world. As long as Bush is our man, he will continue to aid terrorists and imperils the security of the citizens of the US. Impeachment now is a rational course of action for balancing Bush's unbalanced world.
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