Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Six Years of Republicans

The following issues reflect the last six years of the Republican Party agenda. If they don't sicken your soul, sorry, you're

If they do, remember them and vote your heart on Nov 11th.
Rid this nation of the shame, corruption, deceit, arrogance, divisiveness and non-accountability that has become the hallmark of G.O.P. politics:

Katherine Harris, voter fraud, staged press conferences, governmentally paid reporters, Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, Jack Abramoff, Bob Ney, Randy "Duke" Cunningham, Jim Foley, 9/11 fore-knowledge, no WMDs, Medicare, New Orleans, non-functioning oversight committees, Abu Grab, torture legalized, habeas-corpus vacated, wire taps, "off-shoring", Iraq and 9/11 deliberately and invalidly connected, anti-science, health hopes via stem-cell squelched, Valerie Plame "outed", Terri Shiavo fiasco,Halliburton no-bid war contracts, inadequate armor, monopolized pharmaceutical costs, $300 billion war debt!, no exit plan, nearly 3000 dead G.I.s, 20,000 G.I.s wounded, $9 TRILLION national debt, insurgency
denial, "We've turned this war around.", "It's a slam dunk.", "There'slight at the end of the tunnel.", controlled war media coverage, questioning presidential policy deemed treasonous by Executive Branch,

Fear!Fear!RED ALERT!

HAD ENOUGH? Bring trust, reason, accountability, civility, justice, a sense of shame and the Bill of Rights back to American politics. Vote Democratic in November. VOTE REPUBLICANS OUT!

Delbert Jack


At 1:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Del,
You do an excellent job of chronicling the Repubs "high crimes and misdeamors. Let's hope these crimes add up to impeachment and charges by the War Crimes Tribunal against Bush and Cheney.


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