Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bush's Reverse Midas Touch

Bush’s attack on our country is unparalleled. He lies repeatedly. He has weakened our civil liberties, privatized government services, ignored global warming, politicized all branches of government while upsetting the balance of powers, and weakened our military by hiring over 176 mercenary companies that compete alongside our soldiers with no government oversight and much higher pay.

He has ruined the lives of people nearest to him by forcing them to lie publicly for him. He is a psychopath incapable of ever admitting he is wrong, and he is never right.

Most devastatingly, he has turned the US into a rogue regime running rampant over other sovereign nations, making the US the most loathed country on earth. His lack of government regulation has created the home loan meltdown and unbridled contractor corruption in Iraq. He has deliberately and repeatedly appointed incompetents to high positions in government to undermine and paralyze government oversight all the while directing government moneys to big-money-backers like Halliburton, Bechtel and BlackwaterUSA. Bush uses his presidency for personal gain, never for the good of the people.
Whatever Bush has touched - Hearken Oil, the Texas Rangers, the US government -is cursed with his reverse Midas touch. Bush is devoid of ability, morality or egalitarianism. He is always obviously self-serving, because he believes Americans do not have the ability or will to stop him. So far, he’s right and will be until Americans take action.

How can American stand by, grow fat and runup their credit card debt while Bush destroys the greatest country in the history of mankind? Will people one day look back and say of us as they said of the Germans under Hitler, how could the Americans have let that happen to them? And will another madman curse his people as Hitler did his?


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