Thursday, November 08, 2007

GOP Suicide While Wide Awake

We've been hearing for over a decade from conservatives that liberalism is the source of everything wrong with America. It seems at times that attacking liberals as "evil" is the entire raison d'etre of the whole conservative movement. Nearly everyone recognizes however, that racism is one of the truly foul and wrong things about America. While the Democratic Party was for years the primary home of ex-Confederate white supremacists, most people - especially minorities - are fully aware that this all changed in the 1960s and 1970s, thanks to the Republican's so-called "Southern Strategy." Republicans under Richard Nixon decided to embrace the very same voting white-power racists that the Democrats had just purged, and the Southern Strategy was born. Nixon used racist code phrases. Reagan used a symbolic trip to the murder site of three Mississippi civil rights workers to drop one of Nixon’s code phrases, "states rights," as he warned of fictitious unwed inner-city Negro welfare queens. The Southern Strategy worked, and so it was accepted by all the major GOP players. But now, America's increasing ethnic diversity is tearing the GOP apart. While Ken Melhman apologizes for the Southern Strategy, the people who the GOP has told for generations that non-whites are the cause of all their problems, are demanding that the Congress and the President act as if it were true. So the GOP is stuck pushing punitive anti-immigrant bills, GOP politicians are preparing to run on an anti-immigrant platform, GOP candidates snub non-white associations, and the angry, frightened white base is demanding its pound of flesh in the form of a militarized Mexican border and all-out war against the brown hordes. Considering the rapidly-changing demographics of America, this is political suicide. Many on the right still believe people of color are the enemy, and they intend to make sure the GOP supports their war.It is hard to stop dancing with the devil when he has helped you win so many elections. Meanwhile, the Democrats are laughing all the way to a new majority. Western and southern states are up for grabs, and the Republican Southern Strategy is practically gift-wrapping them for delivery to the Democratic Party.


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