Saturday, September 19, 2009


President Obama was elected to be President of the United States, and has a moral and legal obligation to uphold the law of the land, but he has so much to do that HE alone cannot hold the criminal Bush Administration accountable as well as clean up the catastrophic mess they left us.

The people, not the Obama Administration, must find a way to bring charges against the Bushites before the United Nations International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, and try them on a world stage. If they are innocent, then they will be so proven in a court of law. Many citizens of the world believe they are guilty and a trial will convict them or lift the cloud of suspicion. All meaningful change in government starts with the people so the people must begin this movement at the grassroots level.

If the rule of common law is to remain supreme, all people must be treated equally. The Bushites – Cheney, Rumsfeldt, Addington, Feith, Perle, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft, Wu and the rest of the Neocons - are guilty of multiple felonies and crimes against humanity, torture, lied us into a war by manipulating intelligence resulting in the deaths of four thousand plus Americans and over two million dark-skinned people in the Arab world. They lied, orchestrated cover-ups, politicized government agencies, fired federal prosecutors who would not politicize their offices, outed CIA agents, violated basic civilized conventions and disregarded the Geneva Convention - the list of their crimes is endless - and behaved like a defiant mafia. A person who sells crack can possibly be sent to jail for his entire life. These elected officials are guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and must be adjudicated in a court of law. President Obama must oversee the bringing to justice of these people; the people, acting judiciously and within the confines of common law, must see that justice is served.

The Charter of the International Commission of Inquiry on the Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration, A Project of Not in Our Name Statement of Conscience states:

"When the possibility of far-reaching war crimes and crimes against humanity exists, people of conscience have a solemn responsibility to inquire into the nature and scope of these acts and to determine if they do in fact rise to the level of war crimes ."

Unless these politicians are tried in a court of law, then the US is no longer a nation of laws and the criminal element has destroyed our system of common law and assaulted the US Constitution. Only the people using the power of a free society can purify our system of government.



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