Sunday, November 26, 2006

Please, Let's Cut and Run

Today (November 25) makes the US involvement in the Iraq War longer than its involvement in WW II. The madness must stop quickly and the only reasonable course of actions is to cut and run. We, the Iraqis and the rest of the world want the US out. NY Times editor wrote "when there is a choice between the right thing to do and the easiest route to perpetuation of power, top Republicans always pick wrong." Staying the Course is such an unworkable policy that even Bush in his dishonest way is trying to make up believe he never advocated it. The US cut and ran in Viet Nam and the world did not stop spinning. Viet Nam is an emerging world power.

The test for cut and run is simple. What are we trying to achieve in Iraq and are we achieving it? If your son or daughter were serving in Iraq, would you rather stay the course or cut and run? Would you continue to risk their lives or bring them home immediately? It is the life of your son or daughter, a family values decision not a convoluted political decision. It’s “a slam dunk.”


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