Saturday, December 22, 2007

Ninth Anniversary of the Fellatio Impeachment

Nine years ago this week, in December of 1998, the House of Representatives - through a bill authored by serial adulterer Henry Hyde (R-Dead) during a lame-duck session of Congress where Speaker and serial adulterer Newt Gingrich* (R-Gadfly) - who started up with a mistress while his wife was in the hospital with cancer - had to hand over his speaker's gavel to Ray LaHood (R-IL) during a floor debate marred by the infidelity scandal and resignation of House Speaker candidate and serial adulterer Bob Livingston (R-LA) -voted to impeach the President of the United States over a blowjob.

Impeachment was initiated, insisted on and voted on by Republicans who now allow Bush's immoral and lawless administration free rein to run roughshod over the U.S. Constitution without a hint of oversight.

Won't some loyal American please perform oral sex on Bush so the Republicans will act? Larry Craig, David Vitters or one of the prostitutes Vitters used?


*newt note: Anne Manning has confirmed "a relationship" with Newt while he was married to Jackie Battley. "We had oral sex. He prefers that modus operandi because then he can say, 'I never slept with her.'" Kip Carter, Newt's former campaign treasurer, was walking Newt's daughters back from a football game one day and cut across a driveway where he saw a car. "As I got to the car, I saw Newt in the passenger seat and one of the guys' wives with her head in his lap going up and down. Newt kind of turned and gave me this little-boy smile. Fortunately, Jackie Sue and Kathy (Newt's daughters) were a lot younger - and shorter - then." In March of 2007 it was revealed that Gingrich was having an affair while serving as Speaker of the House. This affair occurred at the same time Congress was investigating President Clinton.


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