The Greatest Enemy of the United States is the Republican Party
As long as the Republican Party is the Party of No, the Party of Against, and as long as it is willing to allow publicity seeking attack dogs like Rush and Glen to become the spokesmen for the Party and, as long as the party has no internal leadership to steer it away from the unethical and the criminal, the Republican Party will continue to put the party before the country, and we will have aberrant behavior like that directed at President Obama, simply because he is not a Republican.
Many Americans believe that the Republican Party not Al Quaida or the Taliban is the greatest enemy of the United States because it undermines, smears and vilifies the normal, the American, for its own benefit. The Party was once a party of conservatives and now it is, at best, a party of radicals, and at worst a party of terrorists. It is a party so out of control it cannot even control itself. It is capitalizing on the general frustration and anger and diminished world standing foisted on the United States by the Bush Administration and that frustration and outrage is being harnessed into this radical and terrorist leaning party. The Republican Party is really scary because it is so out of control, so willing to go to any extreme to gain that nebulous something that MAY give it some legitimacy in its own eyes. It is consuming itself by its own lack of leadership, its radicalism and willingness to go to any extreme to once again achieve some legitimacy in its own eyes.
If the Republican Party was not so dangerous, it would simply be pathetic.
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