Saturday, December 23, 2006

Should George W. Bush be Impeached Before He is Tried by The UN War Crimes Tribunal for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity?

Please post your answer by clicking on Comments.

Bush Plans to Invade Iran to Divert Attention from the Iraq Fiasco?

Many people believe that the Dubya has no intentions of leaving Iraq and Afghanistan. Staying to too profitable.

Why would they think that? Possibly that Big Corporations friendly to the Bushites can continue to drain the American treasury without competition from foreign countries by rebuilding the destruction Dubya did to these sovereign nations using American taxpayers’ money. Could they believe that Iraq and Afghanistan are wars that Dubya can use to continually instill fear in Americans, softening them further, while he continuously lies to them about the great job he is doing to make them safe (safer) and to keep the battle on foreign soil while removing their civil liberties?

His lies about his military service, WMD’s in Iraq, Saddam Hussein being a threat to the US, linkage between Saddam and 9/11, the cost of Medicare Prescriptions, the true cost of the war, the number of human killed in his two wars (the list of lies is infinite) have all worked. Most people keep doing what works. He is not set to invade Iran to divert attention from the Iraq fiasco.

What on earth could these people who believe Dubya has not intention of leaving Iraq or Afghanistan possibly be thinking? Maybe the only reason Dubya has not lied about this possibility is that no one has ask him.

Friday, December 22, 2006

If Jefferson Could Talk to Bush

The first bit of advice he would give to Bush would be to say, “… there is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talent.” Jefferson would tell Bush that his lack of both virtue and talent puts him at the nadir of the natural aristocracy, and he must try to gain virtue and talent because his lack does no one any good service and accounts for Bush being, as the maverick president of Iran Ahmednejad calls him, “the most hated man in the world.” When is the last time anyone described an American president this way? Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, said during his talk to the UN, “Yesterday Satan stood him where I am standing,” referring to Bush.

Jefferson would ask Bush why these two men so described him and Bush would concoct a lie that only he, Bush, would believe to contradict them. Jefferson would ask Bush how and why he secured his office and what he thinks he possesses and does that helps and ennobles his constituents. Bush would ignore this advice because he lacks talent and has no understanding of what virtue is. Jefferson would ask Bush what kind of religious beliefs allow his to indirectly kill 3,000 Americans and 700,000 Iraqis, and Bush would not understand the question being completely devoid of a moral sense or the law of the Prophets to love God completely and his neighbors as himself as any Christian would. Bush is the kind of person who would and has encouraged his supporters to display signs “Jesus Hate Fags” which is as far from Jesus’ teachings of love as anyone can get. Bush professes to be a born again Christian but no true Christian ever used his religion only for personal aggrandizement.

He would next tell Bush to “enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will banish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.” Bush would think Jefferson was speaking a foreign language and stare vacuously. Here, Bush would say tyranny and oppression are the vehicles that have kept him in power and that he has used them successfully for personal aggrandizement. Bush would not understand how Jefferson was ever elected. Why should Bush change what has worked for him?

Jefferson would finally say, “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government.” Again, how is it that you caused the deaths of so many people? He would point out how wrong Bush was to have started the Oil Field Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and, more immorally, to currently advocate war with Iran, wars of human negation and destruction, and the continued killing of human beings.

This conversation would be like that between a human and a non-human, but it shows how far Bush has fallen from the level of integrity of one of our Founding Father.

Bush is a constant and painful reminder of the destructive nature of his regime in Washington with the support of his fellow robots, who only shout slogans in lock step to the detriment of the people. Jefferson would tell us we need to elect statesmen and rid our suffering government of demagogues and political hacks.

Finally, Jefferson would reflect on Bush and the neocons and conclude, “I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” He would lead a revolution against the Bushites to free his beloved republic from the tentacles of Bush’s fascist regime and return American democracy to the people.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

We Are Governed by Madmen and Weasels

Iraq is awash in violence so Bush and his idiots are sending in more soldiers to eliminate the violence. Sending in more soldiers to fix the violence is like pouring water on a drowning man to save him.
Each idea Bush comes up with is worse than the last, and congress in its weaselness simply goes along. The Democrats were elected to bring our troops home. Letting Bush further hang himself is not what they were elected for; if they are letting our troops continue to die for political advantage, then they are as bad as Bush, which is really an overstatement made in anger. While Bush hangs himself he also hangs many of the innocents. He is completely mad, completely out of control and no one has the courage to stand up to him and tell him straight out that he is mad.

We are governed by madmen and weasels.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

George W. Bush, the Great Weasel, Meets His Waterloo

If the local police raided a business, killed the CEO and imprisoned all of his staff, destroyed all the equipment and machinery the business used to produce its products, and took away its business permits, its finances and destroyed its business plan, and then told the business that the only way the police would help the business was when it pulled its together and restarted business as usual, people would generally agree that the police were misguided and unrealistic in believing that the business had the responsibility of restarting itself again after it had in effect been completely destroyed from top to bottom. No sane person would hold the business accountability for doing the impossible, rebuilding itself after it was totally destroyed.

Yet that is what the American government is asking Iraq to do. The US government, from Bush to congress to the ISG, all mindlessly says that Iraq is responsible for rebuilding Iraq. The Americans cannot rebuild Iraq; only Iraqis can rebuild Iraq and when the Iraqis stand up, Americans will stand down. This is an American Fantasy that will remain a fantasy.

Any sensible person knows that General Powell was correct when he said of Iraq if you break it you own it. America under Bush broke Iraq and now America under Bush owns Iraq. Nothing short of fixing Iraq will allow America to exit Iraq, and yet the American people daily become more insistence that our soldiers must come home. This is the Great American Paradox; America cannot leave Iraq until Iraqis fix it and Iraqis cannot fix it(and neither can the destroyer America). Once Humpty Dumpty was broken, all the king’s men and all the king’s horses …. Humpty Dumpty is broken, but the President and Congress seem to speak with one voice in saying the responsibility for fixing Iraq is Iraq’s responsibility even though America crushed Iraq.

The Great Bush Weasel is trying to cake walk out of accepting responsible for another catastrophe in a continuous line of Bush catastrophes from Harken Oil, through the Texas Rangers, through turning Texas into a third world country during his governorship to the current Cosmic Catastrophe of Iraq. Bush has lived his life as the master of The Great Weasel; that is, destroying whatever he touches, walking away and letting other clean up his mess while moving on to a better job. Iraq will be Bush’s Waterloo; that which he will never be able to walk away from and that which will mark him forever as the worst US president in US history and the worst person to ever be elected to the US presidency.

George W. Bush is Not Just America's Worst President, He is the Worst Person Ever to Be President

Most believe that Bush is the worst president in the history of the republic. But, more importantly, Bush is the worst person ever to be president

He is a chronic liar, he is a deserter from his National Guard unit, he is indirectly one of the greatest mass murders of all time with the blood of 3,000 Americans and over 700,000 Iraqis on his hands, and is fighting to increase these numbers. He is a psychopath with no conscience and an inability to admit he is ever wrong, a psychopath in the mold of the greatest murderers of all time like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and Genghis Khan. He is incapable of ever feeling or showing human compassion. He is a religious fanatic who has perverted his religion to serve his political purposes. He has never shown love in any capacity in his life and uses religion to divide and exploit. He is a failed father as evidence by the behavior of his twin daughters.

He behaves as though he hates gays, immigrants, people of color and most anyone who does not immediately lie down for him. He surrounds himself with sycophants and toadies who will only support his fanaticism unquestioningly. He has led his country into a war that is considered to be the greatest mistake in American history, and yet he continually tries to disregard the obvious failure and cling to his monomaniacal belief that he is right and the rest of the world is wrong. He has made our country the most universally hated on earth. He is set to sacrifice more American troops in an obviously failed war. He has said that he will continue to stay the course in Iraq even if only Laura and Barney, his dog, support him, and he has a chance to test his resolve because Laura and Barney are about his only supporters but Barney has not articulated that support.

His fanatical religion may have got him off dope and alcohol, but has done nothing to instill the law of the Prophets in him to love God completely and to love his neighbor as himself. He cannot love himself because he is incapable of human love.He is a Frankenstein monster of his own creation, a patchwork of all that is bad of everthing with which he has come in contact. The concept of love seems so foreign to this man that religion is only a vehicle that he uses for his own edification and for political purposes. He has even pervert Jesus'love for his own personal gain. His behavior is devoid of any Christian love. He is a callous human, devoid of the slightest shred of humanity. He belong to a religion whose followers hold up signs saying "Jesus Hate Fags", as far away from Christian love as is humanly possible to get. He directs that slain American soldiers not be returned home during daylight but brought home under the cover of darkness. He thinks he can deceive people if he is careful enough because his privileged life has taught him that he will never have a day of reckoning and he can fool everyone all the time.

Impeachment would only disrupt our country more for the Bush scourge. Impeachment would only keep him in the public eye while the government would be handcuffed to correct any of the harm he has done. What he deserves and what he may endure is indictment by the UN War Crimes Tribunal for Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes. If there is a God, then vengeance, as he says, is His. And Bush will be a most deserving recipient of God’s vengeance.

One Step Closer to a Fascist State

The US moved one step closer to a total fascist state with Bush signing the Military Commissions Act of 2006 that eliminates habeas corpus. Without any demonstration of public outrage, Americans allowed Bush to kill habeas corpus, the heart of the Bill of Rights. In one signing Bush eliminated the right to a fair and speedy trial, the right won on the battlefield at Runnymede in 12l5 from King John and from that date, the right that which has been the heart of all democratic nations.

Losing habeas corpus means that Bush can arrest any and all CITIZENS OF THE US whom he dislikes and decides are enemy combatants. This action by Bush is beyond belief. Twelve Democratic congressmen also voted to give the president this power, the death of the Bill of Rights and of democracy.

Now, more than ever, voters must replace all members of congress including John T. Doolittle, who voted for this act and immediately begin impeachment against Bush in order to save the US from the insanity of Bush and the neocons.

Of all attacks on our republic by Bush, this is the most serious.

Jesus is Love Clear Through

The kind of Christian fundamentalism Bush and his fanatics espouse opposes reason and rejects love and science completely. Their intolerance creates fear and division. Nowhere in the Bible is a directive on abortion, prayer in school, contraception, subjugation of women and minorities, and only one hypothetical reference to homosexuality in Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians. If Bush’s religion leads to the deaths of 3,000 Americans and over 700,000 Iraqis, then what he is practicing may have been good for him(dope, alcohol), but certainly not good for the world. Thou shalt not kill is a Commandant and killing is a primal violation of Jesus’ love.

The Law of the Prophets tells us to love God completely and our neighbors as ourselves. Everything in the Bible is not the word of Jesus so reason must be used in its interpretation i. e. slavery is practiced in the Old and New Testament, yet it violates the Law of the Prophets and must be reasonably rejected. If the fanatics were logically uniform, they would support slavery because it is defended in the Bible and not cherry pick to defend a political dogma.

Finally, Christianity is love. Fanatics displaying signs saying “Jesus Hates Fags” is as remote as possible from Jesus’ teachings. Jesus loved everyone. Those who intolerantly reject individual differences are practicing something other than Jesus’ love.

Finally, all human behavior must pass the test of love. Do we love our neighbors (Mexicans, Muslims, Russians) the way we love ourselves, unconditionally? Jesus’ birthday is a good time to evaluate our behavior to determine if we are practicing Jesus’ love clear through or unknowingly perverting the Law of the Prophets for political ends. If we can practice love at Christmas, we can practice it always. Loving unconditionally is Jesus’ gift to the world.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Watch Closely Our Corporate Government

LTE in TheUnion.Com

By R. Thomas Stanford
December 8, 2006

The letter (War Figures, Nov. 28) provided some alarming, though not altogether surprising numbers regarding the U.S. war machine.

Clearly the massive military arsenal is not just for our protection but is serving corporate interests and this government's quest for global domination.

One of the few items this country produces that is superior on the world market is munitions. Ironic that this supposedly peace-loving nation is the chief supplier of arms in the world.

Some strong changes will need to be made if this government is to become "For the people, by the people" as it was designed, instead of the "For the corporations, by the corporations" one it has become. Corporate lobbying and campaign spending must be eliminated if we hope to have congress actually represent the people again. As it is now, virtually all Washington politicians are bought and they will certainly take care of those interests before yours.

R. Thomas Stanford

Nevada City

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Congressman John T. Doolittle: A Legislative Eunuch

John Doolittle’s reelection is a lose-lose for the Fourth Congressional District. First, all moral people lose by having an immoral person representing them. Also, he will almost certainly be indicted by the new Democratic House leadership for illegality with Jack Abramoff and Brent Wilkes. His constituents are now pariahs, people who do not value morality, people who overlook immorality in order to keep a much-damaged Republican in power simply because he is a Republican. Voters have legitimized pay-for-play politics and have like tar babies attached themselves to Doolittle’s corruption; they have lost their innocence. All this is the first loss.

The second loss is sending a much-damaged Republican to Washington in the face of a Democratic landslide. So doing really guarantees that nothing substantive will be accomplished during his term for the people. He will simply draw his $165, 200 pay, and 15% of all contributions, and accomplish nothing for his constituency. He will earn a retirement three to four times that of the private sector and enjoy it for life. He will continue to enjoy taxpayer funded franking privileges which he uses to campaign. He has health and life insurance largely paid for by the taxpayers. He enjoys taxpayer funded travel including limousine service and parking at major airports. He will continue to accept benefits from lobbyist because the message his constituency sent him is it does not care about his immoralities/illegalities. The voters have reelected a legislative eunuch of sullied morality to sit in Washington and watch the world go by, collecting his pay and bountiful perks ( while doing nothing to earn them.
If he were a moral man, he would resign for the welfare of his constituency. Of course, he is not a moral man and will not resign and approximately 51% of the voters will get what they deserve, and 49% will stand appalled and nauseated but helpless.