Should George W. Bush be Impeached Before He is Tried by The UN War Crimes Tribunal for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity?
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Shundahai39 on Politics is written by a person living in Northern California who loves politics, but more importantly, loves commenting on the intrigues of local, state and national politicians. Our age is an age in which the political drama is so entertaining it rivals reading, writing, travel and hiking. Watching political happenings can become an addiction, which,I think, I have. My dream is to find a statesman not just a politician and watch him or her transform our nation.
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Many people believe that the Dubya has no intentions of leaving Iraq and Afghanistan. Staying to too profitable.
The first bit of advice he would give to Bush would be to say, “… there is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talent.” Jefferson would tell Bush that his lack of both virtue and talent puts him at the nadir of the natural aristocracy, and he must try to gain virtue and talent because his lack does no one any good service and accounts for Bush being, as the maverick president of Iran Ahmednejad calls him, “the most hated man in the world.” When is the last time anyone described an American president this way? Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, said during his talk to the UN, “Yesterday Satan stood him where I am standing,” referring to Bush.
Iraq is awash in violence so Bush and his idiots are sending in more soldiers to eliminate the violence. Sending in more soldiers to fix the violence is like pouring water on a drowning man to save him.
If the local police raided a business, killed the CEO and imprisoned all of his staff, destroyed all the equipment and machinery the business used to produce its products, and took away its business permits, its finances and destroyed its business plan, and then told the business that the only way the police would help the business was when it pulled its together and restarted business as usual, people would generally agree that the police were misguided and unrealistic in believing that the business had the responsibility of restarting itself again after it had in effect been completely destroyed from top to bottom. No sane person would hold the business accountability for doing the impossible, rebuilding itself after it was totally destroyed.
Most believe that Bush is the worst president in the history of the republic. But, more importantly, Bush is the worst person ever to be president
The US moved one step closer to a total fascist state with Bush signing the Military Commissions Act of 2006 that eliminates habeas corpus. Without any demonstration of public outrage, Americans allowed Bush to kill habeas corpus, the heart of the Bill of Rights. In one signing Bush eliminated the right to a fair and speedy trial, the right won on the battlefield at Runnymede in 12l5 from King John and from that date, the right that which has been the heart of all democratic nations.
The kind of Christian fundamentalism Bush and his fanatics espouse opposes reason and rejects love and science completely. Their intolerance creates fear and division. Nowhere in the Bible is a directive on abortion, prayer in school, contraception, subjugation of women and minorities, and only one hypothetical reference to homosexuality in Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians. If Bush’s religion leads to the deaths of 3,000 Americans and over 700,000 Iraqis, then what he is practicing may have been good for him(dope, alcohol), but certainly not good for the world. Thou shalt not kill is a Commandant and killing is a primal violation of Jesus’ love.
LTE in TheUnion.Com
John Doolittle’s reelection is a lose-lose for the Fourth Congressional District. First, all moral people lose by having an immoral person representing them. Also, he will almost certainly be indicted by the new Democratic House leadership for illegality with Jack Abramoff and Brent Wilkes. His constituents are now pariahs, people who do not value morality, people who overlook immorality in order to keep a much-damaged Republican in power simply because he is a Republican. Voters have legitimized pay-for-play politics and have like tar babies attached themselves to Doolittle’s corruption; they have lost their innocence. All this is the first loss.