“For 40 years, the
Clean Water Act has
helped protect our water. But in the 112th
Congress, we’ve seen an unprecedented attack
from House leadership on clean water policy,”
said Michael Brune, executive director of the
Sierra Club.
Bakersfield’s newly
elected 23rd
Congressional District Representative Kevin
McCarthy, House Majority Whip, received an
“F” from Sierra Club for votes cast against
protection of U.S. water resources. Democrat
Jim Costa also received an “F” grade.
View the new Clean
Water Report Card at
Oil companies that
want to extract oil using
hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, techniques in
California may now find the controversial process a
tough sell.
Responding to
pressure from the environmental
community, the California agency responsible for
regulating the oil and gas industry recently delivered a
major setback to fracking in a decision likely to
reverberate throughout the state.
In a nutshell, the
state’s Division of Oil, Gas &
Geothermal Resources reversed its decision to exempt
an oil company from environmental review as
required in the California Environmental Quality Act
– an action that may set a precedent for future permit seekers
The agency’s
decision came after Sierra Club filed
a lawsuit to force the agency to compile the
environmental review that was totally lacking for this
project and, by implication, for thousands of other
such projects that have gone completely without
public disclosure for many years. In a Nov. 27 letter
to the oil company, Century Exploration Resources of
Bakersfield, the agency wrote:
“Following review
and analysis of the legal
challenge, [the agency] has determined that the
proposed well operations will result in more than a
minor alteration in the condition of the affected land,
and therefore are not exempt pursuant to CEQA
Guidelines section 15304.”
“This is clearly a
result of the Sierra Club lawsuit
and is a first step towards public disclosure of the
potentially massive environmental impacts, including
possible fracking, of the thousands of new oil/gas
wells that DOGGR has permitted this year alone,”
said Gordon Nipp of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter.
In a separate
lawsuit filed
in October, the Sierra Club,
court to with a larger-scale
pattern and practice lawsuit
Earthjustice, the Center for
Biological Diversity, Earthworks and other environmental
advocates went to
to force the agency to abide
by the state’s foremost law
that requires public dis-
closure and protects public
health and the environment.
“By turning a blind
eye to fracking, California
officials are letting oil companies endanger our air,
our water and our climate,” Kassie Siegel, director of
the Center for Biological Diversity’s Climate Law
Institute, said at the time.
California wells
have been pumping oil for more
than 100 years. As more easily exploited petroleum
deposits have been used up and prices have climbed,
oil companies have turned to fracking to increase
Enticed by claims
that more than 14 billion barrels
of oil are trapped in the state’s Monterey and Santos
shale formations, oil
and gas companies have
commenced an exploratory drilling and fracking
campaign beneath central and southern California.
These shale formations span 1,700 square miles
across the San Joaquin Valley to the Pacific Ocean,
including the Los Angeles basin, a region
crisscrossed with active earthquake faults.
Prior to the
decision, the agency has been
rubberstamping oil and gas drilling activity,
declaring it exempt from environmental review or
issuing “negative declarations” that such activity
will have “no significant effect” on the
environment, without any study or mention of the
potential impacts from fracking or other drilling
The agency’s new
decision moves in the right
“Burning fossil
fuels has taken its toll on our
planet for far too long. Now the desperate search
for the last remaining drops of oil has reached a
scale that threatens to add even more burden. All
the while, the state regulators responsible for
oversight have been too slow to respond,” said Jim
Metropulos, former senior advocate at Sierra Club.
—Gordon Nipp,
Chapter Vice-Chair