Sunday, May 25, 2008

Vote for Charlie Brown (CA-04) and Jennifer Montgomery for District 5, Placer County Board of Supervisors

How many Republicans officeholders in heavily red Placer County are Republicans because they believe in Republican principles or because they simply wanted to get elected? Everyone wants collaborative government.

Imagine what happens if Democrat Charlie Brown replaces Congressman Doolittle and Democrat Jennifer Montgomery replaces Supervisor Bruce Kranz. The Far Right stranglehold on local politics is immediately broken, which will benefit traditional Republicans and Democrats alike by giving us lower-decibel, collaborative government that serves the many not the few.

Democrat Charlie Brown would immediately gain clout for us in the new Democratic administration in Washington, D.C., benefiting us all. He would mature with the new administration and provide us years of honest representation.

If Democrat Jennifer Montgomery replaces Bruce Kranz on the Board of Supervisors, then the usual 5-0 Far Right votes immediately become 3-2 for traditional, and hopefully enlightened, politics. The two already elected traditional board members would not need to throw away their votes; the entire politics of the board would change.

Voters should wager a possibility of enlightened government against a self-serving certainty and vote for Democrats Charlie Brown and Jennifer Montgomery so the national purge reclaiming government for the people will be mirrored here at home.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Let's Neutralize the Placer County Supervisor Bruce Kranz Slime Factor

Actions speak louder than words. Kranz has been trying to shoehorn a 2,200 house subdivision into Foresthill. At political events, the paid representatives of the Forest Ranch project are right by his side and have contributed to his political war chest. In his literature, Kranz says he wants to stop excessive development and protect open space. So why is the Forest Ranch subdivision even being considered when it converts open space to thousands of new homes?

Kranz thinks that he can hide the fact that he's taken over $300,000in political contributions from developers. He thinks we're so gullible that we won't notice that he voted for every development project while on the board. Let's show Kranz we're smart enough not to believe his duplicitous campaign. It's time to Dump Doolittle's crony Kranz.

After he is dumped, Jennifer Montgomery will replace the Kranz slime with a new era of morning sunlight washing our area in freshness and clean government.

Placer County District 5 Supervisor Bruce Kranz and Lies, Lies and Placer County District 5 Supervisor Bruce Kranz

Lies, lies, and more lies. I can't believe how stupid Kranz's thinks the voters are. In his mailers, Kranz says he's fighting excessive development and protecting open space. Is that why, he's taken $20,000 from one developer who plans to convert open space into 900 homes in Serene Lakes? We've had enough of lying politicians. It's time for Kranz to follow his political hero Doolittle out the door.
Jennifer Montgomery is the honest person to replace Kranz, the last vestige of the corruption foisted on our beautiful area by Congressman John Doolittle and his era of corruption. Vote of Jennifer to replace Kranz, the Kancer.

Placer County District 5 Supervisor Bruce Kranz Says Whatever He Thinks the Fools Who Vote for Him Will Swallow

Before the campaign, Kranz supports tripling his salary to over $90,000. Now he says he..."will not vote for a pay raise for the board of supervisors at this time." Who believes Kranz won't go right back to trying to triple his salary after the campaign is over? Can anyone ever believe this man ... ever? kranz is the man without an ethic, without a shred of decency or honesty.

Vote for Jennifer Montgomery for District 5 Placer County Supervisor and return local government to the people.

Placer County District 5 Supervisor Bruce Kranz Plays the Voters for Suckers

Kranz must think voters are stupid. Quoting from his campaign literature, Kranz says..."His political opponents say Bruce supports a large pay hike for himself, but that is simply not true." But it also says in the brochure that...."he (Kranz) will not vote for a pay raise for the board of supervisors at this time." Kranz supported the raise before the campaign and now says he won't raise his salary AT THIS TIME. How many voters really believe Kranz won't vote to triple his salary the moment the campaign is over? Kranz is all about serving himself not the people.

Return honest governing to Placer County by voting for Jennifer Montgomery for District 5 Placer County Supervisor. She is the Not-Kranz candidate, which in a just world ought to get her elected.