Monday, October 30, 2006

The Mantra of the Far Right Preaches the Evils of the ACLU

The attacks on the ACLU by the far right have become so transparently inane that even the far right can no longer defend them. The neocons recruited the evangelical far right under the Reagan Administration to counter the criticism they had no foot soldiers, and hence no political clout. So they went to the leaders of the far right, promised them a voice in the Republican Party and the rest is history. Evangelicals before this recruiting always stayedout of politics and tried to achieve grace on their own.

After they were recruited, they started spouting the mantras of Guns, Gays, and God, given to them by the neocons, not because the neocons believe in these issues, they did not, but because they were techniques of control. The neocons believed only in American Imperialism, or American World Domination. These mantras were fed to the evangelicals to make them believe they had connection with their neocon leaders

Out of this questionable union came the mantra that the ACLU was evil. The ACLU, in reality, is the primary vehicle that preserves the freedoms guaranteed Americans in the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. The neocons are fascists, people who want our country to be controlled by a union of Big Business and government, which is what we currently have in American under Bush and accounts for why the people feel so disenfranchised. The ACLU is seen by the neocons as the major threat to American freedoms so they have vilified it and directed their followers to believe it is evil when if fact it is the essence of keeping our free society free.

The attacks on the ACLU by the far right are as unsupportable as their attacks on Nancy Pelosi. People of faith do not ask for facts to support a position so they become willing foot soldiers in the battle to turn the US into a police state with a tyranny of the neocons.

Reasoning with people of faith becomes difficult because divine revelation is outside the purview of reason; their burning faith makes them willing fodder for the propaganda for the neocons.

The overwhelming failure of neocons policies is a drastic wake up call for their foot soldiers. We can only hope that these willing foot soldiers will not turn out in great numbers during the Republicans seventy-two hour get-out-the-vote drive before November 7. Hope is a broad winged bird that lifts our hopes and makes our spirits soar.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bush Must Go So the World Can Grow

Bush must be impeached because we cannot win in Iraq without the help of our allies, which Bush, in his stupidity, stiff-armed when they tried to help us after 9/11. The rest of the world sees the obvious that we cannot win in Iraq. It is also obvious they now so loathe Bush that as long as he is in the White House, no help is forthcoming. The so-called Coalition of the Willing is now down to a one country coalition (?) now that Great Britain is withdrawing.

We cannot win in Iraq with less than 500,000 troops, a 20 to 1,000 ratio of troop to Iraqi population. Our entire military is 700,000, and we are still fighting in Afghanistan. The winning troop ratio is an impossibility for us to achieve.

Paul Krugman suggests if we pull out of Iraq and redeploy troops to Afghanistan, we may at least achieve victory there. If we stay in Iraq, the greatest military power the world has ever seen will lose both wars. Winning is not an option in Iraq and remaining there does nothing but guarantee the deaths of more American troops for no purpose whatsoever. We have already lost 2,800 Americans, 701,000 Iraqis and Afghans with 1.3 million wounded; Bush spends 3 billion dollars a week for the futile Iraq fiasco.

Only American blood will continue to be shed for Bush’s arrogant stupidity and stubbornness. At least the House must go to Democrats so impeachment can begin to save thousands more lives.

Bush must go so the world can grow.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

On Torture and Presidential Power

Walter Dellinger, Solicitor General in the Clinton Administration, said of powers of the president, “The way to think about the question of what unilateral authority you think the president ought to have to disregard acts of congress, you ought to think about, but just say, now who is the worst person who I can imagine that might actually be elected president and, who is the worst person, and what authority would I want that person, he or she, to have?"

That thinking is not hard to do. That worst person one can possibly imagine is currently serving in the White House.

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, in the majority opinion on the limitation of Presidential power, wrote, “A state of war is not a blank check for the president."

When the original lie about Weapons on Mass Destruction was discovered, who then authorized Bush to spend $300 billion, $3 billion a week, to decide to democratize Iraq, and, when that goal failed, to establish a stable government in Iraq, and when that failed, to continue to mindlessly Stay the Course.

Now that Stay the Course failed, Bush stands naked before the world like the emperor whose lovely clothes never were so lovely or real.
The world sees naked Bush and naked America while we weep for our lost grace.


It is clear that George W. Bush was the leader that led the USA and other nations into a war based upon his Bush Doctrine. Hitler did the same thing when he invaded his European neighbors.

If anyone can explain the difference between the Bush Doctrine that justifies USA aggression anywhere on Earth and Hitler’s Doctrine of global control through militarism, then I for one would be interested in hearing Bush's defense.

I would be interested in hearing this defense in an international tribunal similar to the Nuremberg trials. George W. Bush has broken the most serious Nuremberg Principle, engaging in an unjustified pre-emptive war. Unjustified war is the most serious crime against humanity because of the massive death and destruction that results in such a war.

Germany now has reclaimed international good will because of its modern reputation and a very strong resistance of its citizens to hold their elected leaders accountable as to the international rule of law.

The Laws of War forbid such dangerous military adventurism. It is time for America to withdraw from the 130+ nations that we now have stationed our troops. I list these countries in my book, Freedom Underground. We must not only bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, but all the other nations around the world.

America cannot afford this global empire that now exists. She will be accepted back into the family of nations as an honest broker only when we refuse to deploy our military forces in a modern day global gunboat diplomacy.

This international occupation of the majority of nations around the world by our military has damaged our reputation as an honest and peace loving nation. Unless George W. Bush and his henchmen are charged with these crimes against humanity, then we will never again be considered an honest and just society. Our nation will continue down the path of destruction by our internal corruption and external opposition.

Carl Rising-Moore []

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Stay the Course Has Morphed into Stay the Course with Details

In his new conference Bush now said he never really said stay the course or, if he said it, he did not mean it because it confused the American people by not really telling them he had a detailed plan for Iraq, but he still cannot tell them what the plan is because it would give information to the enemy, but he never really said stay the course, or if he did say it, he did not mean it because if he did say it, people would not infer how thorough and detailed his plan for Iraq is, but, since he cannot give the people the details, the people will just have to trust him because, as they all know, he is the decider and will decide what is best for the people because he has known all along what was best for the people, but he could not tell them then and cannot now. So that is what he really meant and that is the new plan for Iraq.

The people should be heartened from his new clarification.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

World's Greatest Terrorist

Seventy- two percent of Americans believe George Bush is the world’s greatest terrorist, his policies being directly responsibility for the deaths of 2,800 Americans, 701, 000 Iraqis and Afghans killed and 1,346,000 seriously injured. The Lie is Bush administration policy. He and the Republican Party continue to terrorize Americans by using fear to retain power. Bush has been a disaster in every facet of his presidency, and the Republican Party has always used fear as its weapon to manipulate the American people, its current bogey man being Osama. It is unbelievable that Bush has not captured Osama. Could it be that as long as Osama is not captured, the Great Bogeyman is free to be used to terrorize the American people?

Currently, RNC is terrifying citizens with Osama ads, saying he wants to kill Americans. Bush has been the single greatest recruiter of anti-US terrorists. Under Saddam, Iraq had no terrorists. Now, under Bush, Iraq is the world center of terrorism because of the hate Bush has generated in the Muslim world. As long as Bush is our man, he will continue to aid terrorists and imperils the security of the citizens of the US. Impeachment now is a rational course of action for balancing Bush's unbalanced world.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bush's Latest and Most Serious Attack on the US Constitution

The US moved one step closer to a total fascist state with Bush signing the Military Commissions Act of 2006 that eliminates habeas corpus. Without any demonstration of public outrage, Americans allowed Bush to kill habeas corpus, the heart of the Bill of Rights. In one signing Bush eliminated the right to a fair and speedy trial, the right won on the battlefield at Runnymede in 12l5 from King John and from that date, the right that which has been the heart of all democratic nations.

Losing habeas corpus means that Bush can arrest any and all CITIZENS OF THE US whom he dislikes and decides are enemy combatants. This action by Bush is beyond belief. Twelve Democratic congressmen also voted to give the president this power, the death of the Bill of Rights and of democracy.

Now, more than ever, voters must replace all members of congress including John T. Doolittle, who voted for this act and immediately begin impeachment against Bush in order to save the US from the insanity of Bush and the neocons.

Of all attacks on our republic by Bush, this is the most serious.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Doolittle Stands for the Right to Hack Electronic Voting Machines

HR 550 is a US House Bill with bi-partisan support which creates paper trail voting accompanied by mandatory surprise audits. It uses an optical scanning system which is far cheaper than the Diebold eVoting Machines and much more reliable. HR 550 also goes further than the HAVA Act Doolittle mentions below in making voting more accessible for the disabled.

Therefore both Doolittle's reasons for non-support are smoke screens. So why would any congressman not support this bill ? VERY SCARY!

Does it mean he wants to retain the ability to hack into those electronic voting machines ??

Why do I know so much about this act? Jack Sanchez, Karen Tajbl, Jeanene O'Brien, Kathryn Lee (representing youth), Marilyn Jasper (Chair of local Sierra Club), Jerry Straughan, and I lobbied John in August 2005, but of course were only given access to a staffer at his Roseville Office. We made a thorough presentation on the pros and cons of the act and asked for John's support. At that time the answer we eventually received from JD was that he needed further studies before he could support it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Congressman John T. Doolittle []
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 8:02 AM
Subject: Reply from Congressman John T. Doolittle

Dear Ms. :

Thank you for inquiring about H.R. 550, the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act introduced by Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ). I appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts with you on this issue.

As you know, I sit on the House Administration Committee, which is currently reviewing H.R. 550. As a member of the Committee, I enjoy a close working relationship with the Election Assistance Commissioners who are charged with implementing and overseeing election initiatives and processes, as well as other stakeholders such as local election officials who are charged with administering elections. While opinions vary on this issue, I have yet to see evidence that the federal mandate which H.R. 550 imposes would be beneficial to our elections. Currently, states are free to adopt systems that include a voter-verified paper trail, but H.R. 550 would require all states to do so.

In a recent hearing on H.R. 550, concerns over the use of paper ballots came to light, such as voting machine malfunctions that would result in the loss of the "verifiable" paper records. In addition to technical problems that affect paper ballots, this type of system puts the disabled - specifically the blind community - at a disadvantage. With the passage of the Help America Vote Act in 2002, blind people are now able to vote independently and confidentially for the first time. H.R. 550 would take away that ability for those citizens.

As such, I have decided not to cosponsor H.R. 550 at this time. While I share your commitment to fair and free elections, I will not support imposing a federal mandate, as H.R. 550 would, that requires states to adopt a costly system which has proven to be flawed. Instead, I will continue to work closely with the commissioners and local election officials to determine which systems work, which do not, and what role the federal government should play in regulating those systems.

Again, thank you for contacting me regarding this issue. I will keep your views in mind as H.R. 550 continues through the legislative process. If I may be of further service on this or any other federal matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.


John T. Doolittle
Member of Congress

What Doolittle Does With Taxpayer Money

Bush flew to Sacramento, and then traveled to El Dorado Hills for a fundraiser for embattled Congressman John Doolittle. Let’s examine the details. The cost of Bush’s trip with the presidential planes, motorcade, staff and secret service body guards has been figured at $6,000,000 to raise $600,000 for Doolittle’s coffers. Doolittle’s wife Julie gets 15% of all money raised so her personal share of this pelf is $90, 000, which is enough to pay the yearly salaries of two public school teachers.

During the time that Bush was fundraising, he was not performing his primary job which Thomas Jefferson said is to keep the nation and people safe. Some will argue that we are safer when Bush is not on the job. Nonetheless, campaigning takes a president away from his primary job to perform a job the taxpayer never directed him to do.

Who paid for Bush’s $6,000, 000 trip to El Dorado Hills to help Doolittle, a congressman that many people feel should not be in office and should be helped out of office? The answer sadly is that the US taxpayers paid for this campaign junket.

It gets worse. Richard Robinson, Doolittle’s Campaign Chairman, is also paid with taxpayer money as is his entire staff which works on his reelection campaign. The job of Robinson and the staff is to deceive the public, to lie to the people, and to shield Doolittle from the slings and arrows thrown at him by disenfranchised constituents. His job is to send surrogates to represent Doolittle, who is almost a congressman by default, functioning in absentia, who rarely is seen in public. The one debate Doolittle deigned to engage Charlie Brown in took place in an empty room before Starstream cameras available only to a very limited cable television audience. Doolittle hides from the public whenever possible. When he does send a representative to a live debate with a live audience, his representative is treated with such anger and disdain and verbal abuse, it becomes obvious why Doolittle never appears in the flesh. When one witnesses these encounter between Doolittle’s surrogates and the public, it becomes obvious that Doolittle is highly disliked
Doolittle must pay staffers to take the flak the public directs at him in frustration.

There is more. As I write, two slick, glossy flyers lie on my desk. One is entitled “A Balanced Approach to the Environment,” and the other “An Agenda to Strengthen America”. In tiny print I can make out “This mailing was prepared, published and mailed at taxpayer expense”. When I responded to his office about the immorality and lying contained in these mailers, I received a form letter responding to a question I did not ask
So, then, taxpayers paid for Bush’s trip, taxpayers paid for Doolittle’s campaign staff, taxpayers paid for staffers to stand in Doolittle’s place to shield him from the outrage of his constituents, and taxpayers paid for his lick, glossy campaign mailers. If this practice is not illegal, which it may be, it certainly is unethical and immoral, which must have been Doolittle college major and minor.

Doolittle’s self interests are served always at the expense of the taxpayer. Taxpayers can also shoulder the expense of dumping Doolittle.

The Corruption Luncheon

A corrupt president came to the million dollar houses in the Serrano Country Club in El Dorado Hills to raise money for a corrupt congressman. The luncheon was really a protection racket affair at two thousand dollars per plate paid for by loyal developers and big business Board of Directors of John Doolittle Enterprises, who wants to assure that the pork keep flowing their way, that their preferential treatment is continued by Don John Doolittle, and that they are screened from the reality of inference from the people.

This luncheon, by invitation only, was for those who knew who they were well in advance because they all bear the same mark of self-serving, me-first, me-only government. The Corruption Luncheon is the epitome of corrupt business as usual. This fundraiser is the way things used to be done, and which are currently being done under Don John. Bush too needs all the help he can get to fund his three-billion-dollar-a-week country club recreation in Iraq.

Now is the time to change these corrupt practices. Everyone, once he/she realizes what they really are, except These Chosen, wants to eliminate this corrupt cabal from California's crystalline countryside.

Imagine the morality of those in attendance.

To change the culture of corruption, please vote for Rob Haswell and Charlie Brown.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


When the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace released its findings on “WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) in Iraq”, it concluded:

1) Iraq WMD Were Not An Immediate Threat;
2) Inspections Were Working;
3) Intelligence Failed and Was Misrepresented;
4) Terrorist Connection Was Missing.
5) Post-War WMD Search Ignored Key Resources; and
6) War Was Not the Best-Or Only-Option.

The American People are shocked … shocked to discover that Bush violated his Oath of Office and misrepresented the truth (lied) in order to involve us in his imperialist war on Iraq.

He lied. Lying is a clear violation of his Oath of Office. A President who violates his Oath of Office (i.e. Richard Milhous Nixon) should be impeached and removed from office.

The Republicans impeached President Clinton for a sexual dalliance.

Therefore, Dubya should be impeached. Will he be impeached with the Republicans controlling the House of Representatives. Hundreds of
thousands of lost lives are not as important to Republicans as is a sexual dalliance.

Impeached? Not during our lifetimes! Unless, of course, Democrats take the House (which becomes more likely by the hour) this November, 2006, and Congressman John Conyers become the Chairman of the House Ethics Committee.

Bush's Behavior Toward Life and Death

Bush’s insensitivity toward the deaths of thousands in his two wars bring to mind the Wayne Madsen article listed below. His brutality and inhumanity were vividly shown during his term of Governor of Texas and how he handled the executions of record numbers of prisoners.

following story was originally published by CounterPunch – -
on April 22, 2003.
Reprinted with permission from the author)
APRIL 28, 2003, 1700 hrs PDT (FTW) -- George W. Bush proclaims himself a born-again Christian. However, Bush and fellow self-anointed neo-Christians like House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, John Ashcroft, and sports arena Book of Revelations carnival hawker Franklin Graham appear to wallow in a "Christian" blood lust cult when it comes to practicing the teachings of the founder of Christianity. This cultist form of Christianity, with its emphasis on death rather than life, is also worrying the leaders of mainstream Christian religions, particularly the Pope.
One only has to check out Bush's record as Governor of Texas to see his own preference for death over life. During his tenure as Governor, Bush presided over a record setting 152 executions, including the 1998 execution of fellow born-again Christian Karla Faye Tucker, a convicted murderer who later led a prison ministry. Forty of Bush's executions were carried out in 2000, the year the Bush presidential campaign was spotlighting their candidate's strong law enforcement record. The Washington Post's Richard Cohen reported in October 2000 that one of the execution chamber's "tie-down team" members, Fred Allen, had to prepare so many people for lethal injections during 2000, he quit his job in disgust.
Bush mocked Tucker's appeal for clemency. In an interview with Talk magazine, Bush imitated Tucker's appeal for him to spare her life - pursing his lips, squinting his eyes, and in a squeaky voice saying, "Please don't kill me." That went too far for former GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer, himself an evangelical Christian. "I think it is nothing short of unbelievable that the governor of a major state running for president thought it was acceptable to mock a woman he decided to put to death," said Bauer.

So Bush’s lack of caring for the thousands of deaths he has caused is nothing new. estimates that 600,000 Iraq civilians have been killed, nearly 2800 Americans have been killed and well over 3 billion dollars have been spent. Bush is as heartless as a human can be. No American has been allowed to meet the bodies of those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in the light of day. Those who died for our country are hidden from sight and arrive home under cover of darkness, protected for the prying eyes of the American public.

What kind of a person do we has as the leader of the free world?

People Can No Longer Tolerate The Moral Failure of The Bush Administration

Because the Bush administration and our Republican leadership have so bungled their opportunity to create a moral world order for Americans and citizens of the world to be proud of, Republicans in Congress will be purged from both houses this November because they have created the worst failure of leadership in the history of our beloved Republic. The public must no longer tolerate the moral failure of this administration.

The gap between the rich and the poor is the world’s greatest problem, and in 2000 the average income per person in the twenty richest nations was $27, 591 and in the poorest nations only $211, a ratio of 131:1 AND CONTINUES TO WIDEN. This gap is widest in the US and is leading to another American Civil War, starting with immigrant demonstrations as a backlash to the Republicans using immigration as another divisive wedge issue . This inequity between rich and poor is the greatest single cause of world terrorism and suicide bombings. When people face a hopeless future, they become suicide bombers, striking out desperately with their only weapons. US leadership has failed so miserably that each Republican incumbent ought to resign, but, because of their immorality, none will. We must remove them.

We can start locally by voting aLL Republicans out of office and replacing them candidates whom we have researched carefully and know to be a moral human being. Now is the time to become active in saving our Republic. If we want a better world, the building must begin at home, here in California and in the US. We must start to create a moral world by electing moral people to represent us with honesty, integrity and a sense of what it is to be a statesman, not a politician.

What Standing by Congressman Doolittle Means

His signs ask us to Stand with Congressman Doolittle. If we stand with him, we stand with those to whom he has given $165,711: Tom Delay, Bob Ney, Rick Santorum, Katharine Harris, Richard Pombo and Dan Lundgren. Any local politician who supports Doolittle’s re-election must have his ethics carefully examined by all voters.

To Stand by Doolittle is to approve of the culture of corruption and immorality in Washington.

To Stand with Doolittle is to approve of his family Values of funneling political donations for his family use through his wife’s salary.

To Stand with Doolittle is to support the War but not the welfare of troops by voting against their pay raises, medical coverage and retirement benefits.

To Stand with Doolittle is to accept his demand to hire a lobbyist to speak to one of his callous assistants who tells us all Doolittle’s immorality and corruption is legal and moral because he does it.

To Stand by Doolittle is to accept the representative of developers and big corporate America as our representative.

To Stand with Doolittle is to stand for everything immoral and corrupt in our political system.

If we Stand with Doolittle, or with those politicians who support him, we are supporting the most corrupt administration in the history of our republic. Nothing he can bring to our district is worth what he has taken away … our morality. We have an opportunity to install honest, moral people who will help us take back our government … and our weapon in this Second American Revolution is our vote.

Do Something You Can Be Proud of by Contributing to One Great Thing: Dump Doolittle

Bush has straight-armed Congress and disenfranchised half our elected representatives; the people, however, have an opportunity to render him a virtual castrato by voting Democrats into majorities in both houses of Congress. Never before, with the possible exception of John Adams’ administration and the Aliens and Sedition Act of 1800, have the American people felt so helpless, so shut out of their own government, so violently angry at their government, made to feel so irrelevant, as they now feel under Bush’s fascist neocon Regime, which, in the pursuit of world domination, has made us the most hated nation on earth.

De Tocqueville may have said that the US was so loved because we were good. The US is no longer good, nor is it perceived by the world as good, but voters can do something about making the country good again. De Tocqueville also said that much of this goodness could be attributed “to the superiority of their women.” Women can display their superiority by helping return the US to that goodness by doing their part in this election. His words bring to mind the t-shirt truism, “When women vote, Democrats win.”

Everything that Bush has done has compromised our nation, our people and the world. Any thinking person can shout ten failures of the administration without too much thought. That is the gloom of our present dilemma.

The euphoria is that we have the opportunity to dump Doolittle and dump his darling-of-the-developers lackey Ted Gaines (California Fourth Assembly District) with our vote November 7. This action may seem small, but it is something tangible we can do to make the world a better place. Tim Leslie, another lieutenant, has been term limited out of office opening up the Fourth Assembly District. There is no incumbent so defeating Gaines is a good possibility. Just the thought of ridding our area of Doolittle and one of his chief lieutenants is cause for joy of the highest caliber, for ecstasy, for sublimity, for rapture.

Each of us must talk to our friends, especially our Republican friends, many of whom are already disenchanted with the Demagogue and his minions and give them (one, two, three or more of them) reasons for voting for anyone but Doolittle.

An added spice to accomplishing a great thing is knowing that one has done something of value, something tangible, to contribute to that great thing. Do something you can be proud of for doing this great thing, and the great thing will become a reality.

Work For Haswell and Brown to Dump Doolittle

Mr. Larry DuBois rightly states Congressman John Doolittle has positioned two disciples, Jerry Simmons, 2nd District supervisor, and Ted Gaines, 4th District Assembly, “to wage a dishonest and hateful campaign to crush their opposition.” Doolittle ran Jerry Simmons, assassin of Sierra College Kevin Rameriz, unsuccessfully to replace another of his disciples who had grown too environmentally independent to fit Doolittle ultra-rightwing agenda. Doolittle’s ruthlessness includes cannibalizing his own people who do not toe his line. Simmons lost to Robert Weygandt, the out-of-favor Doolittle lieutenant, by 70-30% of the vote, giving real hope to Doolittle’s opponents.

Doolittle’s machine is so self-servicing that even the most benighted Republicans are looking for ways to free Placer politics from the Doolittle machine and give it back to the people. Republican pay a higher price than Democrats for Doolittle being in power because only his anointed candidates receive his permission to run for office.

They need look no further. Democrat Rob Haswell is running a fresh air, grassroots campaign against Ted Gaines, a longtime Doolittle lackey. Haswell is a quality of life candidate financed totally by individuals actively working in his campaign. Haswell just finished his White Bus Whistle Stop Tour of the Fourth Assembly District.

Running against Doolittle is an ethical Democrat, retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Charlie Brown. Both of these Democrats need your help and their websites are a good place to start: and

If voters, both Republicans and Democrats, really want to rid themselves of the Doolittle Mafia Machine and clean up their politics, now is the time to roll up their sleeves.

Fear and Reason Talk About Congressman John T. Doolittle

Voice of Reason: These are the times that try men’s souls.
Voice of Fear: Oh my God! These are the words of Revolution…I’ve heard them before…just the word Revolution frightens me.
Voice of Reason: Nothing good ever gets done without a Revolution—the American Revolution, the French, the Reagan—oops—I’m only kidding there. Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Voice of Fear: What kind of Revolution are you talking about now?
Reason: A Revolution right here in the Fourth Congressional District…we need a Revolution to get rid of John and his Political Machine.
Fear: Oh…John who and what machine?
Reason: John Doolittle and his Political Machine that is currently strangling the Fourth Congressional District. His lieutenants on the Board of Supervisors and on local school boards, epecially the long suffering Sierra College, and the Placer County Water Agency extend his suffocating influence and suppression of the people.
Fear: I’m afraid of your talk. But I’ll listen if you explain.
Reason: John Doolittle’s has taken the sacred political trust of this office of Congressman for the Fourth Congressional District (CD) and perverted it into serving the interests of those moneyed developer supporters who want high density housing (Bickford Ranch et. al.)built. John T. Demagogue, as he’s locally known (see Joe Carroll’s “The Auburn Augur” in the Sentinel), lives for one reason –to get housing developments approved …the needs of everyone else in the Fourth CD have been ignored in favor of his raison d’etre He lives for one idea— and that idea has nothing to do with the well being of the citizens of US Fourth Congressional District.
Fear: You mean JTD doesn’t serve the people who voted for him?
Reason: I mean exactly that JTD is using the public trust to get Auburn Dam built for his developer friends. You heard his war cry, “Build it __Dam it.”
Fear: Why do you call him a demagogue?
Reason: The Webster School Dictionary defines demagogue “as a person who appeals to the emotions and prejudices of people in order to arouse discontent and advance personal political ends.” JTD is the perfect demagogue, who votes for Nothing related to the public welfare for the sake of getting the AD built; therefore, John Doolittle is a demagogue.
Fear: I thought you were just calling him a name, but I see he really is a demagogue.
Reason: JTD refused to attend President Clinton’s State of the Union address to Congress by affecting his usual holier-than-thou state and feigning moral outrage, sulking at his Virginia Estate. This JTD affecting moral outrage is the same JTD who received the largest fine ever levied at the time (1985) by the California Fair Political Practices Commission for successfully rigging his own election against fellow Republican Ray Johnson.
Fear: His behavior sounds reprehensible! Explain, please.
Reason: JTD unethically and illegally supported a Democrat, Jack Hornsby, to run against Ray Johnson, a Republican, who was popular with both Republicans and Democrats.
Fear: Why would JTD do that?
Reason: Because he wanted the Democrats to skim off votes that would otherwise have gone to Ray Johnson. JTD provided mailers and staff support to knife a fellow Republican for his own personal gains.
Fear: Did JTD’s ploy work?
Reason: You bet it did. He and a number of his henchmen received fines from the FPPC, but the treachery paid off…JTD was dishonestly elected…and we suffer with him today. This is the man who called President Clinton a “liar and an abuser of power” in an article in The Sacto Bee, “Doolittle Aims for the Spotlight,” March 4, 1999. This act is hypocrisy, plain and simple. JTD’s hypocrisy is boundless. Yet he supports President Bush whose lies have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, and the profligate use of taxpayer monies for personal goals.

He overtly supports Tom Delay by donating money to his defense fund, and attending a dinner in June of this year to raise additional funds for Delay. He openly accept money from Gaming Tribes used to host fundraisers in luxury boxes at sporting event, while saying he is opposed to gambling. He recently voted to cut hundreds of millions of dollars in support of NPR/PBS even though the House killed the cut by an overwhelming majority, which included 87 Republicans.

Doolittle clearly does not represent his constituents, just the developer/corporate interests who fill him campaign war chest.
JTD will be around until honest Republicans and Democrats say enough is enough, that we want our government representative to represent us and decide to throw this developer stooge and his lackeys out.

Are we, the people of the US Fourth Congressional District, destined to perish because of JTD’s monomania? I think not. These are once again the times that try men’s souls. Try getting your “tried soul” into the fight to return government to the people. Let’s start by sending JTD to the bottom of the deep dark political sea to join his fellow monomaniac, Captain Ahab.
Fear: Ahab really scares me.
Reason: Ahab and his ilk are scary people. But allowing JTD to continue as our congressman is scarier still.
Fear: You’re right...but your words still scare me.
Reason: Election without representation is what we have with JTD. He is the King George III of our Congressional District. He is interested in one issue, a self-serving issue—turning our homes over to the developers now that he has failed temporarily to build the AD. He doesn’t represent Republicans, he doesn’t represent Democrats; or the Old, or the Abused, or the Young. He only represents himself and his rich friends.

If democracy is to work, it needs an informed, active electorate.

The original colonists of our Republic rebelled against King George III. We need a rebellion against John Doolittle and his self-serving Machine and our current King George in the White House in order to return government to the people.

We are to blame for the existence of JTD. We don’t cry out in our agony—we suffer silently—we must act: visit Call the Placer County Democratic Central Committee (PCDCC) at 1-866-895-1336 and get involved in Dumping Doolittle and His Cohorts. We believe that JTD is unbeatable so we sit on our hands. He is only unbeatable if we say he is unbeatable. People living in oppressed conditions in Mobile Home Parks and anyone who believes his voice is not being heard—start writing letters to the editors of local newspapers detailing the oppressive conditions in your MHP. What has JTD done to make your life better? Call JTD(1-202-225-2511) and ask him what he is doing to help make your life better. Ask JTD if he can take time from the monomaniacal pursuit of giving our county to the developers to help his constituents with their real life problems.
Fear: I think JTD is more like Captain Ahab than King George III, but I’m not sure.
Reason: Ok. Let’s return to the Ahab. Remember that the entire crew of Ahab’s ship the Pequod was lost because Ahab was fixated on Moby Dick. Ahab’s words certainly describe Doolittle’s monomaniacal focus on his developer friends to the exclusion of helping all his constituents.
Fear: What words?
Reason: Captain Ahab’s words were, “The path to my fixed purpose is laid with iron rails whereon my soul is grooved to run.” JTD is on the same “iron rails” to his fixed purpose. He will never be swerved from his goal; monomaniacs do not swerve. Remember that the entire crew of the Pequod (except Ishmael, the storyteller) died because of Ahab’s obsession.
Fear: I’m scared.
Reason: So should we all be.
Fear: Again, what can I do to get rid of JTD?
Reason: Write letters to JTD and urge him to represent you, to make your life better, and if he doesn’t, then vote for Charlie Brown. His website is and his phone number is (916)-78-brown. Write letters to the editor of your local paper denouncing Do-Nothing Doolittle. Perhaps Charlie Brown will be his replacement.
Fear: But what can I really do?
Reason: Now that JTD has declared for all the world to hear in his speech to Oregonians in Action “the nature of the left is based on the Communist Manifesto, and frankly the essence of Communism is the abolition of private property rights,” his looniness has been displayed for all the world to see. JTD’s new clothes show that he is indeed naked of any shred of balanced reasonableness or ethics.
So, let’s create and contribute money to the JTD Mental Health Fund so the people can get him the help he so desperately needs, a quiet life in the leafy confines of his faux-home in Rocklin, where he can be watched over with loving kindness by his family and his Church of the Latter Day Saints, which he has brought great shame to, where he can do no further harm to the people of the Fourth Congressional District. Each effort will help to relieve JTD of the responsibility of misrepresenting his people. These responsibilities are obviously now beyond his mental and moral capabilities.
Immediately, start supporting Democrat Charlie Brown in every way possible to defeat Doolittle, to dump Doolittle into the Old Home for Corrupt Politicians along with Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham and Robert Ney, fellow recipients of the tainted moneys of convicted felon Jack Abramoff.

Rob Haswell Is Best Choice for California Fourth Assembly District

Fourth Assembly Candidate Rob Haswell is the model human being and candidate, honest, intelligent and dedicated, the fifth generation of a Placer County family. He believes in People before Politics. He is the father of two children, a boy three and a girl five, married to a lovely, supportive wife, and lives in Auburn. Rob frequently sites Paul Wellstone words, "If we don't fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don't really stand for them." He wants to serve the people, to improve our political climate so that the people, not just big business, outside developers, and self-aggrandizer, have a voice in decision making.

He could not live here without attempting to improve our political environment. “I am running because I don’t want my children to ask me when they are adults, ‘Why didn’t you do something for us, Dad, when your had the chance?’” He admires Senator Paul Wellstone words, “Politics isn't about big money or power games; it's about the improvement of people's lives.” Rob truly believes that elected officials can better people’s lives. He has attracted a large people-power group of volunteers who know Rob is the best man to represent us in the California Assembly. Go to website www.robhaswellforassembly to participate in his campaign for a better California.

Finally, another reason Rob is running can be summed up with another Wellstone saying, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Please join the crusade to return integrity and honesty to the people by electing Rob Haswell to the Fourth Assembly District. Help him help us all live the best life we can live. He is the superior candidate.

The Doolittle Mafia

The reprehensible behavior of the Doolittle Mafia is a mirror image of the Bush Mafia’s despicable behavior in Washington. Doolittle’s personal behavior is well-documented. But his intimidations of elected officials and his installation of his stooges in positions of power may be less obvious but no less destructive. He hand-selected Jerry Simmons to run unopposed (why?) for the Sierra College Board, and handpicked and backed Scott Leslie and Aaron Klein in an attempt to add Sierra College to his power base. If Sierra survives their self-serving antics, it will be because of their recall. The wasted dollars and time inflicted on us by Doolittle is cataclysmic.

Dave Creek is not running for re-election so the Mafia is supporting Lamont Royer for the Sierra Board of Trustees. To keep Sierra out of Doolittle black hands, vote for Bill Martin, a highly qualified man who wants to depoliticize the Board.

Bruce Kranz, Placer County Board, is another of his lackeys whose work only benefits Doolittle’s backers. Lesser well-known is the protection racket that Doolittle runs against our elected officials. His intimidation has turned some of our best public servants into his stooges by threatening to run his designated candidate against them with hundreds of thousands of dollars in backing, thus destroying their careers. Not only is Doolittle personally corrupting, but he corrupts other official through intimidation, which is really nothing more than a protection racket.

We must wake up, see Doolittle straight-on and dump him.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Real Axis of Evil

Bush, in his mindless way, dubbed Iraq, Iran and North Korea, the axis of evil, which is a hackneyed phrase as all of his ideas are. The American Heritage Dictionary defines evil as “that which is destructive, corruptive, or fallible whether from natural circumstances, or by human ignorance, error, or design.” The word evil has religious connotations and is not usually used in secular areas such as politics. Since Bush has trouble pronouncing basic words, this subtlety is beyond his purview, and he purports to be a born-again religious person, no longer an alcoholic or drug user, so he uses words like evil. The real axis of evil, the “human ignorance” part, is within the Bush administration. It is made up of Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and the replaced John Ashcroft.
Bush is a Robin Hood in reverse. He takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich through tax cuts. He gave over 700 billion dollars to his political supporters through this method. He has already given them 1.7 trillion dollars of taxpayer money with his last tax cut. His generosity to his rich friend does not stop there however. Bushites are a cliquey group and love to take care of their own while punishing those who don’t fall in line such as, say, France, Russia and Germany. He used taxpayer money to force a war against Iraq, which no one in the world except America’s bootlick England really wanted. Countries such as Spain, Bulgaria, Albania and others supported Bush, knowing he was vindictive and would throw them a bone for their support which he is currently doing. Not only did he spend about three hundred billion tax dollars destroying one of the weakest regimes on earth and killing over 600,000 Iraqi men, women and children, which is hard to label any other way except to call it mass murder, but he then, without competitive bidding, gave the contracts to rebuild the country he destroyed with US taxpayers money to his friends in Bechtel, Schlumberger Ltd., KRW, a subsidiary of Halliburton and other chief political donors. Wasn’t Dick Cheney, the stealth VP of the US, who cannot stand up to the light of day, the same man that almost destroyed Halliburton when he was CEO with his asbestos contracts, yet was still able to rip-off millions in a severance package and is still on the payroll while “serving the people.”
By any definition what Bush did and is doing ought to be termed evil. Yet he continually cheerleads for more taxpayer money for his friends. Cheerleading is the only skill he was trained for in school, and one must admit he does it well to get so many Americans to naively follow him as he makes his regime the most hated on earth, and the most hated regime in our country’s history, and we Americans the most hated people on earth. One must hand it to Karl Rove, Bush’s Brain, to be able to shove Bush down the throats of the people. He has to be a good ole boy. He should be the Republican Man of the Century … what a distinction!

Then Bush drags out of oblivion a dinosaur from his Papa’s era with all the hate and meanness of an SS officer forced to leave Argentina to return to Post-War Germany and makes him the Attorney General of the United States of America, the head cop in the country. John Ashcroft lost his senatorial election to a dead man and that has really made him mad so he took it out on the American people by implementing the Homeland Security Act, the infamous USA Patriot Act (which you can download from and the incredible Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003, all designed to strip the American people of their civil liberties under the guise of protecting them from the people that Dubya’s policies have rightfully made to despise his regime and by association the American people. It is not difficult to imagine the tight-jawed, mean- faced John Ashcroft wearing the uniform of the SS, with the skull and crossbones on his collar. That uniform is the most appropriate garb for a creature of his evil nature. Because he sometimes treats us like the enemy, it is easy to believe he is truly depraved. He was so hated Bush had to get rid of him … reluctantly.
Remember Julius Caesar’s warning;

“ And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”
Ashcroft had done his job.

These are very frightening words which are proving prophetic. Bush wraps himself in the red, white and blue so he can reward his friends with taxpayer money and tax breaks. If one doesn’t support Bush, one is not supporting the troops and are therefore is an evil un-American.

Completing the axis of evil is Donald Rumsfeld, the control freak who ruthlessly directed the slaughter of defenseless Iraqis using the greatest military might the world has ever known, smiling all the while, and then Bush-like swaggered and smirked, as only an old, impotent men can do, and called the massacre a great victory. His war was very similar to the wars the US carried out against the helpless American Indian – the wars were called wars, but they were really massacres, which is what the Iraq war is in truth.

He did not need a plan to destroy Iraq because of our unparalleled military might, and he did not have a plan. He did not have a plan to rebuild either Afghanistan or Iraq and that is why they are dangerous places with rampant anarchy and lawlessness, unfit for human habitation. He also lacks an exit strategy. Even though one of the several reasons of the week Bush gave for invading these countries was to “free the people”, when finding weapons of mass destruction did not fly, and still does not fly because none have been found nor will be found because there were none, they are less likely to have a future with the Bushites directing rebuilding because their primary concern is how they can corral the oil monies not with giving these people the right of self-determination or “democratic freedoms”. When people say that which is not true they are called liars; when they kill hundreds of thousands of people they are called mass murderers; when they steal elections and money from the US Treasury, they are called thieves.

So then, the real axis of evil as defined by their actions is Bush, the cheerleader who robs the poor and gives to the rich, all the time using taxpayers’ money as his own box of chocolates, while wrapping himself in the flag and peddling untruths to the American people.
Then, there was John Ashcroft, the regime member in charge of repealing civil liberties while reforming torts out of existence so corporate America can further exploit the taxpayer.
And finally there is Good Ole Donald Rumsfeld, the smiling killer of dark-skinned people for the purpose of providing them with “democratic” freedoms.
These three combined to threaten the very foundations of American democracy while professing to bring democracy to Afghanistan and Iraq. These three have combined to made their regime hated by the world, and the American people the most hated society on earth. They feel that the American public is so benighted that they can act with impunity. The American public knows exactly what they are doing and will ultimately hold them accountable for their behavior. They cannot fool all the people all the time. Americans have the insight to discern truth from falsehood. These are three very likeable fellows if one does not have a mind, a conscience or a hope for the future of mankind. Now that Ashcroft is alas no longer with us, Karl Rove can be elevated to the third spot in the real Axis of Evil.

Failure Breeds Desperation

Failure breeds desperation and Dubya is desperate. Not only is he unable to speak the English language, but also he is incapable of even listening, listening to those who counseled not to subject our nation to the quagmire that everyone knew Iraq would be. Shouting Stay the Course is no longer strong enough to bamboozle the American public.

He is now going to the UN Security Council(whom he scorned for not supporting his madness) with cowboy hat in hand whimpering and begging for “Old Europe” to help him out of the mess his mindless Texas swagger got us all into. He has been outwitted by Iran, Syria and North Korea and needs the UN to mop up his world mess.

Dubya is an embarrassment because while begging at the UN for other countries to solve his dilemma, he continues to lie to us , to take our tax dollars to destroy Iraq, and more of our tax dollars to give to his friends at Halliburton and Bechtel to rebuild what he destroyed. He is killing Iraqis by the thousands(600,000 to date) while young Americans (2800 so far) continue to die for nothing while he fiddles. Anyone else who has done what Dubya has done would be called a liar, a thief and a murderer.

If Dubya truly supports our young men and women in uniform, he would bring them home, not mindlessly keep them in harm’s way using our flag as a shield for his treachery making Samuel Johnson’s words very clear to us: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”

The horrible truth is the UN will not provide help in Iraq and Dubya, without a plan, without a clue, will continue to sacrifice our sons and daughters. Dubya has achieved the neocons arrogant dream of pax americana, only his version is a nightmare with Rome burning while Nero fiddles and watches Iraqis and young Americans die.

His failed administration forces us to pick up the pieces of our lives and reshape our world. Let’s use the Dubya nightmare as a purgative and start electing thinking human being to the House of Representatives and impeach him to save our beloved republic for his nightmare and the neocons dream of world domination called pax americana.

Germany survived Hitler. Will we survive Dubya?

We Can Eliminate the World's Greatest Terrorist With Our Votes

Dubya’s mindlessly gloated, when asked what Saddam’s capture meant, squealed, “Good riddrance. The world is a better place without you…” brings to mind his boast on the aircraft carrier about the end of the Iraq war, “Mission Accomplished.”

Does anyone in the world other than our benighted President-select believed that the mission was/is accomplished. Does anyone think the Saddam’s capture means we are rid of him. Has Dubya ignored the trial? Sentencing? Public spectacle and international wrangling on a massive scale.

All Dubya ever thinks about is how he can twist world events to his political profit. Are Americans any safer or richer for Saddam’s capture? Will the $300 plus billion Dubya has squandered on this war be returned to the US so this money can help us live BETTER LIVES by having the government actual HELP US? Are the 3,000 American and 600,000 plus Iraqi lives lost be returned to us. Is the world any safer from the rapacious Dick Cheney and his cash-cow Haliburton, from Bechtel and other Dubya corporate welfare receivers? Is the war on terrorism ended? Is the other Bush-created monster Osama (remember the other mindless gloat “dead or alive”) captured? Will Haliburton be brought to trial for its traitorous failing to supply our armed forces with the services and equipments paid for? Is the real enemy of the US, the Saudi Arabian Royal Family no longer is bed with Dubya’s family?

We can anticipate the pourings from Dubya’s mouth to make us believe he is really doing something about the almost insoluble situation he has put our country and the world in?

The eyes of all Americans will now see how dangerous Dubya is to the world and the American people and will happily say “Good riddrance” by electing a House of Representative which will start impeachment proceedings to stop Dubya and his March of Lies. We must take back our beloved country by voting for those who can undo what Dubya has done.

We must rid the world of its greatest terrorist simply by using our votes.

We May No Longer Be a Free People

The Supreme Court ruled Dubya is violating the Constitution by denying habeas corpus to the detainees in Guantanamo. He is further violating the Constitution by his implementation of the hideous Patriots Act, by the creation of the Homeland Security Agency, by making war on a sovereign state without a Declaration of War by Congress, and “as sixteen eminent British academics have certified, the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive self-defense (a Dubya oxymoron) is illegal under international law.” Recently, his NSA act has eliminated habeas corpus for all Americans and wiped out the Bill of Rights. These are a few of his illegal actions, which directly undermine the foundation of our democracy.

His attacks on the civil rights of the American people and the people of the world have no equal in the Modern Era. His small-mindedness is exceeded only by his arrogance and disregard for the rule of law.

Americans would do well to take to heart the words of David Davis written in 1866 :

“The Constitution of the United States of America is a law for rulers and people equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times, and under all circumstances. No doctrine, involving more pernicious consequences, was ever invented by the wit of man than that any of its provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government.”

The protection of the Constitution can never be subverted by anyone if we are to remain a free people. As heinous as Dubya’s military attack on Iraqis is, his political attack on the civil rights of American people is the work of a man who puts his personal agenda ahead of the freedoms of his people, which is at least one of the reasons Dubya used to justify his attempt to replace Saddam .

I Am Shocked, Shocked That ....

I am shocked… shocked to hear Senator John Kerry said the current Republicans administration is " the most crooked lying group I’ve ever seen." What could the man be thinking? Republicans .. liars? Shocking. I am shocked to hear David Kuo say the Bushites simply used the religious right for their votes and called them nuts and fools, shocked that Bob Woodward says the Bushites are in a state of denial. They cannot see the truth while the rest of the world can.

Let’s see … maybe Kerry was referring to Dubya’s claim about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the cost of his Medicare package not being $400 billion but $540 billion, the jobs market’s increase of 2.6 million jobs this year when only 21,000 have been realized, his full time honorable service in the Texas National Guard, his innocence of the same business practices at Hearken Oil that Kenny Boy Lay is not being charged with at Enron, that Enron is not still the largest corporate donor to Dubya’s political career, that Dick Cheney has no connection with the honorable American corporation Halliburton and really enjoys spending his Vice Presidency hiding in his own private spiderhole while being paid by both the taxpayers and Halliburton, or that the Republican Party really cares about the average American …to quickly name a few.

All these lies are old business, and we must put them behind us and move on … we must focus on the War on Terrorism, gay marriages, the much anticipated Mission to Mars, and tort reform to prevent citizens for suing our beloved corporations.

What could John Kerry be thinking of by calling the Republicans the most crooked lying group he has ever seen? He can’t be unaware of the liberal lies that thinning our National Forests is simply for the benefit of the logging industry, that exploiting 9/11 for political purposes is unconscionable. I am shocked … shocked by his outrageous charge.
We good Republicans must form an Investigative House Committee ( re Senator Joseph McCarthy) to get to the bottom of these extraordinary allegations.

Friday, October 13, 2006

How Can We Know?

What has he done to my country?

The great American journalist Walter Lippman wrote “The news and the truth are not the same thing.” Our news services are so controlled by big businesses, which are controlled by Republicans, it is very difficult to get a non-Republican slant, let alone the truth.

To get a different perspective on the Dubya Abomination in Iraq and his March of Lies, it is wise to use the internet and visit some global newspapers such as The New Zealand Herald, The Asia Time, The Manchester Guardian, and the London Times. So much of Iraq coverage is misrepresented by our news services, it is shocking to learn the grim truth about the daily slaughter of Americans and Iraqis, the nightmare military life is for our soldiers, and the hatred that Dubya’s self-serving, mean-spirited, sucking-up-to- the- rich, business- is- god administration has generated toward us Americans.

We Americans are slowly waking up to the Horror that is Dubya. We Americans are basically good honest people,formerly(pre-Dubya) loved and admired by the world for our kindness and generosity and, when we wake up to the truth which is different from the news, we will do whatever is necessary to rid our beloved country of this Cancerous Aberration.

The American people are not represented to the world by Dubya. The world does not hate Americans; it hates Dubya.

We Can Remove The Jackals From the House of Representatives

Richard Clarke, former Director for Counterterrorism, makes it unequivocally clear Dubya knowingly lied about Iraq’s WMD’s and odered his subordinates to give him the information to link the 9/11 attack to Iraq. No information existed so Dubya cherrypicked and misrepresented the truth. He lied and thereby violated his Oath of Office of President and deserves impeachment.

But, since the jackals are in charge of the House of Representatives, it is unlikely they will impeach a fellow jackal, and the Democratic hyenas stand in the shadows and crouch in fear.

So the Dubya dans macabre continues.

When Clinton lied about his sexual dalliance with Monica, the Republican jackals with frothy-mouthed sexual displacement circled his wounded carcass looking to kill. Now, Dubya lies to the world, and these same jackals timidly turn away, howling into the night of family values, integrity in the White House, fiscal restraint, and patriotism.

And the Democratic hyenas crouch in fear.

When Clinton lied, no one died.

Dubya continues the lie while collecting hundreds of millions from corporate America for his re-election .

Dubya really does not care what the people think of him. His god is money, and he believes it will always solve his problems and so far it has.

His lack of intellect makes him the ideal Republican President: the puppet barely able to read the script that Karl Rove and the neocons place in front of him.

Our only real WMD against Dubya’s Police State is our vote in November.

There Is Fear Our Beloved Republic Will Not Survive Bush

There exists a general fear our beloved republic will not survive Bush.

He has undermined the democratic process by being selected President.

He has destroyed the good name of the Republic by lying about weapons of mass destruction and then using that lie to launch the first preemptive war on a sovereign nation in our history, thereby causing not only himself but the American people to become the most loathed on earth.

He has squandered a large budget surplus and turned it into three years of the largest deficits in our history, this year five and one half trillion dollars.

He has subverted the Bill of Rights with his Patriots Act. He abolished habeas corpus until the courts stopped him, and, then signed it out of existence. He has made a full frontal assault on America’s working men and women.

He has robbed the taxpayers to pay for his private war while sacrificing the lives of over five hundred and thirty young Americans and over fifty-five thousand Iraqis while maintaining the pretense of being a Christian, all the while sacrificing not one of his grandchildren to military service, and laughing at his own military service.

He has further robbed the taxpayers by giving their moneys to Haliburton and other crony companies to rebuild the countries he destroyed.

He has opened our national parks to his logging friends, the most egregious example of which is opening 300,000 acre on the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, the last virgin stand of coastal rainforest in America.

He has enervated the Clean Air Act until the court system stop him.

He has done nothing for the people and everything for the corporations.

He equates ethics with legality; if it’s legal, it is ethical, the nadir of judging morality.

He has reincarnated the specter of the Nazi High Command with the faces of heartless Dick Cheney, babbling, smiling Rumsfeld, obligatory Republican, plastic- helmeted haired Tom Delay, and the bulldog jowled John Ashcroft. He has found an empty spider hole for Cheney to “lie low in until the heat cools.”

Yet, he is on the campaign trail at taxpayer expense desperately trying to keep the Repubs in power inspite of DeLay, Abramoff, Ney, Cunningham, Foley and Doolittle. Obviously, money Bush raises is being used to destroy America. Democracy is being perverted by Dubya and his operatives with the help of many fanatic Americans.

Mark Latham, the leader of the Labor Party in Australia, said, “George W. Bush is the worst president in US history and the most dangerous man in the world.” Is Dubya the most dangerous man in the world? If so, who is responsible for him in a position to be the most dangerous man in the world?

If democracy, honesty, fiscal integrity, the Bill of Rights, the American worker, world peace, national forests for the public, clean air and morality are important , then in November vote to save the Republic by voting into office those who can impeach Bush..

We Only Can Save Ourselves From Bush

The Bush White House has become a symbol of the Bush white house. It no longer belongs to the people; it has become a Hitlerian bunker with concrete barriers and armed policemen keeping people who own it away because Bush has made himself so hated he must be insulated from the people for fear of his undoing. He has taken our government from us and distanced himself and the government from us and from the world. His policies are so mean-spirited and self-serving he must barricade from the people in order to survive.

Like a banana republic dictator, his aides handpick and interview each member of his audiences so he confronts only sycophants, toadies and like-minded zealots. The Bush White House is a symbol of how alienated he is from the people and the world … from reality. He is clueless what the people of the US and the world think and feel about him because his world is the insulated, artificial world his handlers shape for him.

Since he is a non-reader, no wonder he is completely unaware and out of touch … adrift in a world in which nanoseconds can change history. He could not be a more dangerous leader in a more dangerous condition.

The Bush white house is like the final days of Hitler’s Berlin bunker. We all know how that story ended. Let’s have a more pleasant ending for Bush by voting for a congress that can impeach him and save us from him and him from himself in November.

Another, and There Are Many, Bush Failure

Dubya has been a failure in every undertaking from his academic non-achievement at Yale through his oil ventures, the Texas Ranger baseball involvement to his stolen presidency. Cheney’s name calling in the Senate is very revealing that even one of Dubya’s brain is short-circuiting in the worldwide mess he created. Dubya, sitting blankly and helplessly in the Florida classroom after receiving word of the Twin Towers attack, is symbolic of his paralysis when he does not have Cheney telling him what to do.

A regime shrouded in secrecy will die from that secrecy. Even the much-ballyhooed return of Iraqi alleged Sovereignty was done in a secret ceremony. The Bushites would not risk their skins in a daylight ceremony and are incapable of controlling the insurgency they created in Iraq.

Terrorism was unknown in Iraq under Saddam. Iraqis fear daily for the safety of their families. How are they better off? Iraq, as all thinking people knew, would be the magnifying glass that allowed the world to see yet another Dubya failure .. with the effects, worldwide and castatrophic.

Because of Dubya’s complete failure in Iraq, with no idea except stay the course, he has finally called in Jim Baker, the savior of Bush family bacon, to fashion an Iraq Plan. Baker’s summoning signals the complete lack of any rationality coming from this pathetic administration.

Isn’t it time to hold Dubya, Cheney, Wolfowitz and the other neocons accountable on the world stage for their murderous plan, Pax Americana?

The Germans Under Hitler Thought They Were Free

After undermining our democracy with two stolen elections, the Bushites are now implementing the neocons’ plan for world domination by risking war with Iran, Syria, North Korea.

The daily news from Iraq is so bad that the Bushites must maintain their constant barrage of scare tactics to divert public attention from their totally failed administration. They have managed to instill such a level of fear in us and in the world that no amount of goodwill on the part of individual Americans can offset the hatred the rest of the world directs at Dubya and, sadly, Americans.

Even though the Bushites hacked into the central election computers in Ohio and Florida, the inept Democrats did little to expose this stolen election so the world thinks Americans re-elected Dubya, when in fact he was NEVER elected. The world rightly holds us responsible for the madness, dishonesty and savagery of the Bushites and our inability to preserve the world’s greatest democracy.

We suffer while paranoid Dubya, the Rumsfeld and neocons slouch toward Bethlehem lining their pockets with taxpayers’ monies and the exorbitant profits from the outrageous prices we pay for gas.

At least the Germans in the 1930’s thought they were free; we know better.

Be the Person You Were Meant To Be

Because Christians believe they are born in a condition of sin, they feel somehow conflicted about living a good life without the guidance of a higher authority. Christians therefore can become susceptible to the predators in society hiding in the trappings of politicians and clergymen, who tell them if they surrender their lives to them, if they follow their directives, if they vote for them, they will protect them and watch out for their well-being.

Christians are often fearful, and fear prompts them to surrender their lives to people who lie to them and tell them they will be safe in their hands. Their faith in a supernatural being makes them vulnerable to exploitation. The Republican Party professes to have God on its side and uses fear to recruit the frightened and the confused. The party then uses their votes to enrich the life of the wealthy.

Thousands followed Dubya because he purports to be a man of God when nothing in his life except his words gave evidence that he was. He is just another exploiting snake oil salesman preying on the frightened. Millions turn their free will over to churches that make decisions for them and promise bliss on earth and heaven in the afterlife while fleecing them and taking advantage of them and their families, all for a price. Looked at straight on, church and politicians are really businesses that need income to survive.

Without the innate belief in their own original sin, without its accompanying paralyzing fear, these people could accept the responsibility for their own lives, see with their own eyes, understand and interpret with their own minds what is best for them and for humanity generally, and make very good, even enlightened decisions.
No one needs a middleman, a broker to lead a good life. That is why we have a heart capable of compassion and love. Yet we see that the world needs changing.

Most agree that the world is a mess, and most fret that the individual can do nothing to make the world a better place, but they are misguided. Most believe that one person cannot make a difference. One person can make a difference. One person has always been the catalyst for change. Alexander the Great started as just a man and conquered the entire known world. Jesus changed the world without writing a word or traveling the world. . Mahatma Gandhi developed civil disobedience and gained freedom for his country and its millions. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Ami and George W. Bush instilled great evil on humanity. One person can make a difference.

Cindy Sheehan is doing what no one else could do … awakening the nation to the evil that is George W. Bush and the lies his Oil Field Wars are based on. Her only question to Bush is, “What is the noble cause my son died for?” And since he has no answer for her, he runs but he cannot hide. Cindy made a difference and so can everyone. How?

People look at the world and think the mess so overwhelming they become paralyzed and believe that nothing they do will make a difference. The world is changed one small act of love and compassion at a time. People must cooperate not compete for power over their fellows. We all live on the same planet, we all want to live the good live and the good life is a life of helping others. To the degree that we help others, we are correspondingly human. The only valid index of the good life is how much we help other people.

Each person must decide what kind of world he wants his children to live in and then do what he can to start shaping that world. Other people will start doing these small acts of compassion and love and shortly the world that the individual have influenced will become that better world. Then these small acts combine to create the most powerful force on each … an idea whose time has come, and then the world is changed for the better.

Cindy Sheehan has changed the world for the better and thousands are following her lead because they believe her behavior will make a better world by withdrawing from Iraq. She is one person. You are one person. You can make a difference but, to do so, you must act, you must do these small acts that you believe will make the world better for you, your children and your grandchildren and their grandchildren. The capitalistic culture of competition must give way to the older tribal culture of cooperation that for thousands of years has enabled indigenous cultures to create sustainable lifestyles that do not destroy the planet or their fellows. Capitalistic cultures can no longer be allowed to thrive at the expense of cooperative cultures and the natural resources of our planet.

The Iraq Oil War is one example of how the US has used its power for aggression by invading a weak sovereign state for its oil (despite the lies the Bushites will tell us) because the US consumes more oil than it can produce. Bush used the power of the US to depose the democratically elected leader of Haiti. He is threatening war with Iran because Iran may be building nuclear weapons which we possess by the thousands. Power cultures use violence to achieve their goals and destroy sovereign states and their people in order to get what they want. Power cultures’ morality is might makes right. Bush invaded Iraq not because the invasion was moral or legal, it was not, but because he had the power to.

People are not born sinful just because religion says they are. People are born good, capable compassion and love. If they become evil, one reason is the corporate power elite exploiting them, using them, enslaving them. If each person knows he is a creature with compassion and love, then he believes that others are like him, and he learns to cooperate, to share and not to violently strive for power over his fellows

Each of us must know that there is something so sacred within us that we cannot allow it to be trampled on by anyone or anything, and, when it is, we must resist with every ounce of our being and allow the love and freedom within to flourish and bloom.

People must rebel against the slavery that our society tries to impose on us. Rebel against a condition you feel is unjust and limiting. Albert Camus’ words apply now more than ever, “What is a rebel? A man who say no, but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation. He is also a man who says yes, from the moment he makes his first gesture of rebellion.”

Become a rebel by living the thinking life.

A Real Patriot

Political and religious zealots who wrap themselves in the flag and the bible and refuse to open their minds to the real world do themselves and their country no good service. They are neither patriots nor good citizens; they serve only themselves and not their fellows.

Those who refuse to inform themselves politically are directly responsible for the current crisis in our leadership. Actively participate in a democracy or lose it because democracies are the most fragile forms of government because they rely on an informed, participating citizenry. To not vote because you are uninformed is to guarantee the doom of your democracy. When you close your mind to any facet of your world, you diminish not only your life but the lives of others. To not be open-minded to the realities of your democracy is to guarantee its failure. Democracies are under attack everywhere in the world and those who close mindedly refuse to inform themselves and do not participate are the vanguard of that attack.

Wrapping oneself in the flag, using the bible as the only source of truth, and knowing nothing about politics are recipes for the end of democracy. Big Brother, the Thought Police, and the laws of the Orwellian world cannot be far behind. The Orwellian laws are War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength. Do these statements sound familiar? The Iraq War makes the world safe, we must give up our freedoms (Patriot Act), because we are at war, and our ignorance is strength because our leaders know what is best for us. Orwell’s world is so close to being our world that informed actions is paramount.

So a patriot must be an active, informed citizen who knows what his government is doing and helps shape his own destiny. He does not wrap himself in the flag, because the wrap blinds his vision of reality. A patriot supports the flag with his mind, his heart and his actions and uses the flag only as a symbol of his country.

A patriot is an egalitarian who always works for the greatest good for the greatest number. He is a humanitarian that looks at the welfare of all humanity and realizes that we are all brothers trying to do the best we can under the circumstances. He believes he can influence and shape those circumstances.

A patriot must be a realist looking at the world straight on. His personal religion and philosophy must remain personal, for his own use and not be foisted on his fellows. Mark Twain in Reflections on Religion wrote that “all the ships of the entire world could be sailed on the blood shed in the name of Christianity.” And christainity is just one of the world’s religions. Our current wars are wars of religion … Ireland, the Middle East, Old Yugoslavia, India and Pakistan. Dubya said God told him to invade Iraq. Religious proselytizing is the great enemy of the common good so a patriot must keep his religion personal.

A patriot must be authentic. Samuel Johnson said that Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel so it can be used to hide ulterior motives. A patriot is not a Democrat or a Republican; he is a democrat who is an activist concerned with the greatest good for the greatest number. He knows that he is never more secure and happy than is the meekest and mildest citizen of his republic. While looking out for himself and his family, he also looks out for his fellows. A patriot is much more than a person who closes his mind while wrapping himself in his flag. A patriot is much more than a person who loses himself in the bible. A patriot is an active, informed citizen of his nation and of the world always looking out for the greatest good for the greatest number.

What is life without striving for the ideal?

Bush With Congressman Doolittle's Help

Bush with Doolittle’s help has turned the US into a nation of war criminals and committers of crimes against humanity. Bush with Doolittle’s help has made us, We the People, and our nation a lawless nation, a universal pariah, a nation with only one functioning imperial executive branch with Bush as the emperor, a nation universally disliked. We have become a nation with a leader who is either a Texas National Guard AWOLer or Chimpy McFlightsuit, either a disgrace or a joke. What our government does is what we allow it to do. What we allow it to do, we are responsible for. What we have allowed our nation to become we will answer for and continue to answer to the world until we alter it.

Any act our government commits is committed in the name of its people. Any atrocity that our armed services commit, they commit in our name, individual Americans. Our government is simply the vehicle that represents each of us as individuals. If it is not, it is broken and must be fixed. If a citizen is unhappy with his government, then he has a moral responsibility to do whatever is necessary to effect a change in that government until it directly and honestly reflects his will.

How long will be sit by with the daily Iraqi body count numbering to a hundred? Our Founding Fathers effected the change from a despot and laid out the blueprint for all subsequent changes from despots. In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote, “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness), it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” Bush with Doolittle’s help has so twisted our nation that it is hardly recognizable.

The people have had their power and good name wrested from them, and it is their moral duty to take it back. What we do to others we ultimately do to ourselves. John Donne in his “Meditation 17,” in Devotions on Emergent Occasions, wrote the well-known words,

“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were. Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee…”

What he meant is that anyone’s death lessens the life of all the living because part of them dies with that death. Mindless, indiscriminate death makes us all less human.

Short of impeachment we cannot remove Bush from office. Impeachment becomes a more likely reality when the makeup of Congress, especially the House, is removed from Bush’s control.

What we can do here in the Fourth Congressional District to achieve that end, most of us are already doing. Just keep doing it, only more so. Dumping Doolittle will be one small step toward the giant step of taking our government back from our oppressors. One small step toward taking back our government can be achieved by taking back control of our Congressional District.

Nothing is impossible unless we say it is. Nothing is possible until we say it is. Freedom begin with a state of mind. Freedom begins with dumping Doolittle.

Defend Liberty Now Or Lose It Forever

Democracies everywhere are under attack, and nowhere moreso than in the US. With elected neocons like Bush , Dick Cheney and John Doolittle working for personal gain to undermine the rule of law, we, the people, must galvanize to save our beloved republic. We can no longer let others do the job for us. We must attend public meetings (city council, board of supervisors, boards of education, recreation district boards) in order to let the elected officials know we are watching them and holding them accountable to us the voters. We must take back the federal, state and local governments.

We must write to and call our federal representatives and instill into them the awareness that they are our public servants, who were elected to serve the public good not the private benefit. They must know for a fact that an informed electorate will removed them if they do not further the public good.

In order for our democracy to survive, the people must participate … fully. Now more than ever the words of John Philpot Curran have currency: “The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.” We are definitely at the point of no return … defend liberty now, today, or lose it … forever.

Churchill's Words

Churchill’s immortal tribute to the Royal Air Force,

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”can be paraphrased with great shame to describe the Dubya administration:

Never in the field of human conflict were so many lies told to so many by so few.

Churchill also wrote, “This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.”

Bush Plans to Invade Iran to Correct the Iraq Debacle

The neocons in the Dubya Regime are firmly fixed on invading Iran inspite of the complete failure of their War on Iraq. Remember the neocon plan drafted in 1996 by the lunatics at the American Enterprise Institute. First, conquer Aphganistan, then Iraq, then Iran, then Syria and finally Saudi Arabia to make the world safe for Israel.

People laughed at the insanity of the their plan.

No one had a reason to invade Iraq. So Dubya manufactured one while the neocons(Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz. Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Donald Feith chorused, “What he say! What he say!” and led the US into the quagmire of Iraq.

Now Michael Ledeen of the far right National Review writes, “Our diplomats have it wrong. (General Ricardo) Sanchez and (Tachlo Khodr) Najmeddine(official spokesmen for the Kurds) are reliable sources. We will never get a firm grip on Iraq until the regime is changed in Tehran.” Follow the logic. We must invade Iran to correct their Iraq mistake.

As long as Dubya is in office, the lunacy of the neocons will be US foreign policy. People laughed when the neocons said we must invade Iraq to continue their dream of pax americana.

No one is laughing now.

When They Voted for Bush This Is What They Got

Voting is a precious right and a solemn responsibility. Those who voted for Bush(TWVFB) must now take responsibility for their actions.

He lied his way into the War with Iraq, he lied to the world and deceived half of his own administration about his Plan of Attack on Iraq, which he told Rummy to draw up and General Franks to detail. Powell and Rice were kept in the dark.

TWVFB have put a fundamentalist, religious zealot, more extreme than any Muslim cleric, into the White House, who takes his directions from “the Father”(pointing to the heavens according to Bob Woodward). Bush also told Woodward his goal was to bring democracy to the world, which is not now nor ever has been a presidential responsibility. When did the citizens of the US tell Bush he was to democratize the world?

How can anyone who voted for Bush say he believes in family values, honesty, and Christian virtues when Bush uses murder and deception and lies as the basics of his administration?

When you voted for Bush, you authorized:

… the slaughter of countless young Americans, and tens of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis;

… the lie as a tool for administration’s policies;

… an all-out assault on the Bill of Rights in the form of the Patriots Act and the recently passed NSA bill eliminating habeas corpus, the heart of the Bill of Rights;

… the rape of our treasured national forests by loggers and oilmen;

… the preemptive attack on and destruction of two sovereign nations with Iran, Syria, and North Korea waiting their turn.

… a deal with Saudi Prince Bandar to raise artificially our gasoline prices to record levels, and then lower them just before the ’04 and ’06 November elections(“that’s the Saudi Pledge.”).

TWVFB have made all of us Americans responsible for his treacheries, lies and deceits, and all of us are made less human by your/his actions.

Voting is a precious right and a solemn responsibility. All Americans must be responsible to their fellows.

Two Occupied Countries

The Iraqis say accurately they are not a liberated but an occupied country. They are not the only ones.

A liberated country is a country made free for self-determination and the practice of democracy. The Iraqis are certainly not alone; not only is Iraq an occupied country, but also is the United States, occupied by an appointed and the electronically-manipulated-into-office theocrat, determined to impose his psuedo-religious fanaticism and the madness of his Neoconservatives on our entire nation … to occupy our country against our will.

Bush professes to serve a Higher Father not the people of the United States, and his goal is to subjugate the world to his brand of “dead or alive” democracy. In his view the hundreds of thousands of deaths he is responsible for in Iraq and Afghanistan are just the price he and we must pay for the Neocons’ policy of American imperialism they call Pax Americana, the price for world dominion.

The people of Iraq must unite with the people of the United States to expel the occupying forces and reinstall real democracy and a stable government. Iraqis can really help us because they have much more experience dealing with a tyrannical leader. Nouri al-Miliki is currently refusing to accept Bush's timelines and benchmarks while our congress rubberstamps the Patriot's Act and the Military Commissions Act of 2006, both eviscerating the heart of our Bill of Rights. Americans need help.

Iraq! Please! We need your help to get us out of Bush's clutches, to help us show the world that the emperor's new clothes are invisible so he will stand naked before the world and stand trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. We need help to help ourselves and to save our beloved republic and the world from a madman set on their ruin.

Is The Inquisition Upon Us?

Beheadings are subhuman actions. They are more commonly associated with The Inquisition, a time of rampant religious intolerance. We immediately condemn the killers as savages and barbarians, which they definitely are.

But, also, we must remember that Dubya made violence a part of his foreign policy, when, like a Texas gunslinger, he bellowed,”Osama bin Ladin - Dead or Alive!” With that outburst he authorized murder as Bush Administration policy. He must share responsibility for the violent world he helped create for all of us and for the hatred directed at all Americans as a result of his policies. The headlines in a McClatchy newspaper note Dubya saying, “I Never Ordered torture!.” Who believes this man who has cried wolf many time too many. He has lied so consistently that only those blinded by party loyalty believe him.

While making the lie the bulwark of his administration, violence and brutality his foreign policy, and the emptying of the United Treasury his economic policy, Dubya has undermined the American psyche with fear, and made his the most loathed regime on earth … all this in five years

Ask yourself, what might he inflict on us over the rmaining two years of his regime? A New Inquisition of violence and religious intolerance? Perhaps burnings at the stake and drawing and quarterings? Can America and the world handle more of his madness?

Picture the next two years with Iraq in civil war and the corruption of his regime running rampant, our armed forces in disarray and our treasury empty.

Our only hope is our vote in November to change the makeup of the House and vote for impeachment.

Is Dick Cheney an Honest Man?

Lady Macbeth, trying to hide the truth, tells Macbeth: “ To bequile the time, look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, your hand, your tongue; look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t.” Her words could well be directed to Dick Cheney.

Does anyone believe that Dick Cheney is an honest man?

Does anyone believe that Cheney did not influence the billions the US government gave to Halliburton, the company he was CEO of for six months and did such a good job they gave him a $20 million severance package … which he took.

This is the man who coerced the Once-Supreme Court and his duckhunting buddy Scalia into not coming clean about his several meetings with energy executives from such respected corporate giants as Enron when he was fashioning the Bush energy policy.

Does anyone believe Scalia acted without any political tinge, acted on wholly legal grounds when he decided to keep Cheney’s treacheries hidden from us.

Does anyone believe that Cheney’s duck hunting buddy on the Once-Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia, acted impartially on the case to make Cheney’s meeting with energy CEO’s available to the public?

If Cheney has nothing to hide from the public, why is he so obsessive about covering all his tracks while VP of the US and CEO of Haliburton? Why is Cheney continuing to hide in a Saddam-likespider hole when questions about his lingering connections to Halliburton cry for answers?

If Cheney is an honest man, why is it necessary to bring lawsuits against him just to attempt to get him to acknowledge his past behavior as the leader of the cancerous giant Haliburton and his current behavior as VP?

If Cheney is an honest man, why doesn’t Dubya instruct him to walk out from behind his veil of legal persiflage and reveal his innocence? But then Dubya would have to reveal his own questionable behavior while at Hearken Oil. It is a sorry time when our top two selected leaders must use the legal system to hide their actions from the public.

Cheney would do well to serve the rest of his term as VP Select of the US in several “undisclosed, secure locations”. The one Saddam vacated comes readily to mind.

Cheney does not wear well in the clear light of day. Cheney is finding increasingly difficult to “ look like the innocent flower” but is looking more like "the serpent under't".

A True Patriot is an Informed Citizen

Supporters of the Bush administration frequently question the patriotism of anyone who questions his policies. Anyone who is remotely informed about his policies knows that they are dangerous to the world at worst and destructive to the United States at best.

Bush supporters must be people who trust him without any verification of his policies whatsoever. To trust without verification, as Ronald Reagan believed, is an act of stupidity not loyalty. To follow Bush blindly is to contribute to the destruction of our republic. He is that dangerous. Please inform yourselves of his policies before you vote for public servants who will support this madman and save your faith for religion.
Reagan also warned us to trust but verify.

A patriot is an informed, active citizen.

Chavez Is Not a Friend of Bush

That loud-mouthed President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez is once again attacking poor Dubya. He says chickens in Cuba get better treatment from their government during hurricanes than do poor and blacks in the US. Where does Hugo getoff making such statements?

“In Cuba, when they know a hurricane is coming, chickens, hens and people are all evacuated," Chavez said in an interview…. A hurricane recently destroyed many towns in Cuba but not a single person died because no one was there. The government prepared its people and took them to shelters, whereas here (in the United States) they left the poor without protection, especially the blacks." But, Cuba is not at war with Iraq so it does not have the distraction poor Dubya has.
President Chavez offered the United States assistance in the wake of the storm, called this situation "horrible."
"Be careful with the government you have," he added, pointing out that the United States has "a government with so much power that it can start a war and destabilize a country but doesn't take care of its own people."
Chavez repeated his earlier description of the United States as "an empire" that has "a terrorist administration," which is "a threat to humanity." Sounds like Chavez believes the Bushites are a fascist organization helping their sister corporations rape the poor and the underprivileged He says his government had evidence that Washington had a plan to invade Venezuela code-named "Balboa". Preposterous!
When have the Bushites ever invaded a sovereign state or sided with corporations over the people? Please!
"Our intelligence found this plan, and everything is spelled out there - the target is Venezuela," he said. "They have even calculated how many bombings they should do, how many soldiers they will require." The Bushites made the same plan before invading Iraq … they certainly would not repeat that blunder.
But the Venezuelan leader warned that the Bush administration would regret it, if it ever tried to implement the supposed plan. Dubya’s only regret would be that Venezuela does not have as much oil as Iraq. Just think about it … the neocons most assuredly just want to make Venezuela free to practice democracy even though it already is a democracy.

That would be no problem for the Bushite spin machine. They probably have already located Weapons of Mass Destruction somewhere in Caracas.

"There will be such havoc in the whole hemisphere if this happens," Chavez said. "The United States invaded Iraq, but Venezuela is not Iraq. The price of oil would shoot up and reach what - $100 a barrel?" The Bushites would definitely not do anything to raise the cost of oil for us Americans.

Where is this Chavez coming from?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Is Bush a Greater Threat to World Peace Than Al-Quaida?

If you think Iraq is completely out of control with no end in sight, you have probably been closely monitoring war news. If you think the Bush admininistration is completely out of control and a greater threat to world peace than Al-Quaida, then you have been paying attention to the lies, deceits and march of misinformation and unreality stumbling from our White House and are sickened by the Bushites’ Dance of Death.

The world is judging us( you and me) by the unbalanced rantings of Dubya, the lies and deceptions of Condeleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Paul Wolfowitz and Colin Powell. Most people would not allow this crew into their home. Can we afford to have them continue to represent America … to the world?

The world hates Dubya. Now the eyes of the world are watching American voters, whom they have forgiven once, because they are well aware Dubya stole the 2000 election.

It is time for our own reality check